The Rising Era of Vintage Vinyl Records

Posted by Harry Wilson
Jul 23, 2018
The tables turned right again, and the turntables are spinning back in favour of a new generation music fan. Over the decade, the vinyl records were nearly extinct, or you can say they almost went out. They were just turned into the “vintage vinyl records” and were barely kept alive by some music enthusiasts. Flash Forward to the current situation, the projection is that the sales of such precious items will keep on multiplying, and a more significant multiple awaits concerning revenues.

Most of the hardcore music lovers were happy when the Sainsbury started to collect the small collection of classics on vinyl. Can you imagine that a decade ago, what we called as “records” were barely kept alive by a small number of quality music enthusiasts? Kim Bayley, the Chief Executive of ERA (Entertainment Retailers Association), said that she and her team, particularly her independent members did a lot of hard work to revive the vinyl records again.

As of now, even the artists are supporting the independent record stores. Even the streaming-addicted millennials are too jumping in. This format will be available of their Christmas lists, and those of the baby boomers small army too. Vintage vinyl records have been the most popular format for listening music for years. And now, its revival is fuelled with its emergence as a premium product.

Back in 2007, the selling price of vinyl wasn’t much more than a fiver per unit. It because at that time, vinyl itself was very thin, and the quality or covers they came in were also cheap. But not any longer. Now you can’t even see a single-disc release price of less than £20.

The Texan Outfit’s Fourth Outing, the Twisted Psychedelia of The Black Angels’ Death Song, are some of the great examples of vinyl record sleeves. It comprises a psychedelic pattern on the outer sleeve and the track inside the gatefold, with a picture of Daliesque. The latter is also there in the poster form, and a sticker too. There’s even a download code given by the record producers. It’s a shame on some record producers that never include this feature. The price of this particular album is more than a quarter of what you will pay to access the 40m tracks in the Apple Music Library. But in specific ways, they have become symbionts. Both, the ERA and BPI cite streaming has helped in boosting the vinyl revival. Once upon a time, CD’s were known as the vinyl killer, but now, there’s been a slow decline in the sales of the CD. The format, which suffered the most is the paid-for download. Some of the independent artists decided to provide download option for free, especially rap artists.

One strange trend that emerged via vinyl revival is the streamers buying records, even though they don’t have turntables. On the second note, if you have a good turntable, you can enjoy the divine sound of vinyl music. It’s more vibrant and warmer as compared to CD’s, or digital music. When listening to a record, you experience the art that artist wants you to hear, in the order of the play. Those you buy vinyl without having any intention to play them are missing the fun and excitement it possesses. Today, if you will search on the Internet, you will find several online stores that sell vintage vinyl records at affordable rates. Not to mention, the rarest collection you can see and buy from them at such exciting prizes.
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