Team Building

Posted by Mandar Pande
Oct 23, 2017

What is a team?

A team is a group of individuals who are linked together to work for the same purpose. The core objective behind their actions is solely channelled towards a single goal. A team is made up of individuals who are qualified to carry out their specific responsibilities and can correlate their actions into the same direction.

The unity in a team determines the sustainability of their presence in the industry. A good team must know how to make their individual identity while working together, towards the same goal. The role of every team member is to ensure that every individual identifies his true potential and can contribute to creating an environment that allows everyone to perform at their full potential. 

What is a team building?

Team building is a term that is often used to symbolize the various types of effective activities that are carried out to gain the maximum output from a team or a group of people. These activities are focused to enhance the social relationship of the team and it helps in redefining the roles within teams. These roles are often collaborative tasks and are focused to bring the desired outcomes through work performance.

The term is different from team training. Team training is focused to increase the efficiency of the team members whereas team building is an activity that can help in knowing the team members more closely.

The activities run around evaluating and assessing the interpersonal problems in a team-based environment. The regular sessions could be helpful in getting a better mutual understanding of each other. This also provides a healthy platform to grow by discovering your hidden potentials.

In short, series of team building activities could be defined as the activities that are focused to:

  1. Align around goals

  2. Building effective working bond

  3. Reducing the communication gap

  4. Expand Horizons

  5. Finding creative solutions

  6. Knowing each other more closely

  7. Rediscovering your true potential

  8. Learning the power of patience and listening

Why is team building important?

The bonding between the team members is important to create an encouraging and enthusiastic atmosphere. The learning is often done while getting indulged in fun-based activities.The team building activities are designed to increase the collaboration of the team members and creating an impactful work network.

These result-oriented activities are the soul of your team performance. The planned series of activities help in building and strengthening the bond. The fun part is always added in the activity part to make the atmosphere light and comfortable for all.

It has been documented that many ideas have got the tendency to build genuine connections, discussions and processing while conducting an activity.

To start with, here is the list of few of the performances that highlight the value of team building activities:

  1. Bonding: Socializing and making healthy conversations in the workplace are found to be highly responsible in increasing the productivity of the work. It helps in building a positive aura in the workplace.

  2. Boost in team performance: Team performance altogether helps each other to perform better. One gets a better understanding of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, interests. It further accelerates the graph of company’s progress with a higher pace.

  3. Solid market presence: The bonding in the team makes them ready to enter the market with a bang. The collaborative efforts are always responsible for making the strong presence in the organization.

  4. Celebration, team spirit: United we stand, divided we fall. If there is a unity between the team members, the success is sure. The young and high spirited success waits for the right steps taken together in a right direction.

  5. Better communication: It is one of the top reasons that help in making the team performance worthy of any success.

Soul Art Center is one of the reputed names in the market that is known for team building events that targets the inner bonding of a team. Team art paintings are one of the examples of such activities that are carried out to meet the desired expectations. 

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