Safety Tips for Kids' Slides

Posted by Mia Martin
Jan 25, 2016

  One of the most favourite places to play for children are the slides. If you are a parent, you certainly know how hard it can be for the kids to resist rushing towards the slides when passing by the park. Every parent would like to dedicate a good amount of time to providing kids a good play, but with all the work obligations and household chores that is simply impossible.

Since I don't have enough time to take my children to the amusement park every day and spend there a good part of my work days, me and my husband have decided buy a play-set of slides for our four and six years old boys and install it in the garden.

Now, after several months of buying slides I can with no doubt say that this is one of the best decision I've made in my overall parenting experience. I suppose that it's not difficult for you to guess why, but let me tell you from my personal experience. First, for children slides are a never-ending source of fun, they simply never get bored of sliding and playing around the slides play-set. Second, now I don't have to worry in which corner in the neighborhood my little, curios explorers will poke their noses into. Since we have the slides I always know where and with whom they are. Third, by adding children slides in the garden I can keep an eye of my playful and naughty boys on what they are doing even when I'm making a dinner or washing the dishes in the kitchen.

However, if you already have or you are planning to buy your children slides, what you need to know is that you must dedicate a good amount of attention to their safety. Namely, your concerns about their safety don't start and end with supervising their play from the window. On the contrary, ensuring the safety for your loved little ones starts before and during the process of choosing and buying the slides. More specifically, here are the top three most important safety tips that you need to keep in mind on order to make sure that no exciting play on the slides will turn into a trip to the hospital.

  • Choose the Right Material

    Unfortunately, when it comes to business and making money, some of the manufacturers don't always pay attention to the type and the safety features of the materials they choose to make their play-sets from. Hence the children slides and other toys made of toxic and harmful materials. With that being said, it is clear as a day that it is your duty and responsibility to choose slides provided by reputable manufacturers and made from high-quality materials that pose no risk to your children's health. Steer away from cheap and thin plastic, metal and processed wood. Why? Because thin plastic can easy break, leaving sharp and hazardous edges, metal can get extremely hot during summer days while wood is usually processed with toxic chemicals.

  • Install the Play Set Properly

    If you have little or no experience in mounting children slides, don't overlook the importance of asking for a professional help in order to install the components of the play set flawlessly. In other words, you ought to make sure that the slides are well secured to the ground with cement. Proper installation and balancing the slides is key to preventing rocking, flipping and pulling out the structure from the ground and with that for preventing dangerous play scenarios from happening.

  • Educate Your Children For A Safe Play

    It is no secret that in their quest for more fun and excitement children try and experiment a lot during their play. This includes climbing on not allowed places. For this reason, you should speak to your children and explain them (if needed, show them how) that they should be careful when playing and that they shouldn't do some things that may cause an accident and injuries. In other words, they need to know that not everything that seems to be exciting is safe and good for them.    

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