Prepaid and postpaid reseller – A venture that can turn your fortune

Posted by Deepa Dhingra
Dec 14, 2017

Do you want to become an authorized postpaid, or prepaid reseller? Are you looking for the right opportunity that does not even require you to make much investment? If yes, then, there is news for you. In recent years, the number of mobile companies providing the opportunity to become a reseller without making an investment in inventory has gone up.

Long gone are the time when starting a mobile phone business required you to stock thousands of dollars of inventory. Along with it, you also needed to rent or buy a commercial space from where you can operate or conduct business. Things, however, have changed today. There are many cellular companies that provide opportunities through which you can easily apply for an authorized dealership or affiliate program, without even having to buy any kind of shipping or inventory. In fact, you do not even have to buy a single phone. 

You can look for cell phone companies online. Verizon, Boost Mobile and T-Mobile are some of the renowned names. You can request for information related to affiliate as well as reseller opportunities. Make sure that you mention that you are looking for an opportunity to set-up a website through which you can sell and offer phones without stocking them. With this type of set-up, customers can order through the site and the mobile phone company would ship cell phones directly to the buyers. Chances are that you will get a percentage or commission of each sale price, and in some cases, you might also get a commission on each month of service a customer buys. 

Compare mobile phone business opportunities on the basis of startup investment costs and the monthly fees that you would incur. Remember that the lower your expenses, the more profit you would reap.  In addition, compare opportunities on the basis of the company’s reputation and the popularity of the services it offers. Both would influence your likelihood of meeting your financial objectives. Carefully review, the commission structure of every business opportunity; as you wish to tap the benefits of an opportunity that lets you fetch high profits.

Next, you have to sign an agreement with the mobile phone company with which you want to get associated. Before signing a contract, carefully read all the terms and conditions as it would prove legally binding. After that, contact the department of inspections or licenses or any other similar agency in your area.

To start your own postpaid reseller business, you now need to create a website that would provide a glance into offerings. Make sure the website is designed keeping in mind the needs modern day mobile phone users. Instead of building a website that is difficult to navigate and understand, it should represent deals and offers in the best possible way. If you want to know more about postpaid and prepaid reseller business opportunities then visit PCC Wireless Communications. Here, you will be able to find a range of interesting business offers if you want to venture into the mobile business. Get going and start your own business.

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