Pay Attention to the Following Ways of Using Your Social-Share Data

Posted by Rajeev Gaur
Apr 26, 2019

Almost every website of today incorporates a few opportunities to encourage visitors to distribute their content. The options appear on the screen and remain there inconspicuously. Sometimes they take the form of a single letter, and at other times they appear in pairs. In most cases, you’ll notice a bird and an envelope.

Visitors will notice them only if they keep their eyes peeled. Once a visitor feels ready, the icons delve into action with a single click. Some visitors don’t use these options, yet they share the content online. They cut the links directly and paste them on their social media posts. Sometimes they add a few introductory words, and at other times they don’t.

Then again, it doesn’t matter how someone begins to share the content. In the end, social shares often lose their way due to data shuffling. You have to realize whether the numbers are a part of the website analytics or social media. If there isn’t a proper home, then there won’t be any appropriate maximization of the socially shareable data.

If you wish to avail the benefits of social-sharing data, then you need to plan correctly. You can also seek Digital marketing services to support you with the task. Here are a few ideas about what you can do with social-sharing data.

1.  Enhance the paid promotion: If you have enough experience, then you must know that organic reachability in social media is declining steadily. The rate of deterioration is also quite high. Therefore, paid promotion is your only way out if you wish the audience to see and share your content.

The analysis of platform-specific social-sharing data is very much like having your personal focus group. You have to identify what content is relevant to your audience. You also need to determine the appropriateness of platforms. Once done, you can utilize the information to amplify your strategies of paid promotion.


2. Choose platforms correctly: The task of bringing together a digital community isn’t easy. Besides, it isn’t possible for you to nurture a community on every social media platforms available. An individual, who takes the time to share your content, shows particular interest towards your brand or its content. The same person will also select an appropriate channel. This platform will be suitable for that individual’s followers or friends.

So, explore all social media platforms and see where people are sharing your content the most. You can create a community forum on such a platform. With this forum, you can expand your reach, develop personal relationships, and cultivate ambassadors and brand fans.


3.  Identification of new influencers: It is rare, but in some cases, you notice that the same individuals are sharing your content repeatedly. You must explore the social media profiles of these people. Upon examining their pages, you will learn whether their friends or followers belong to your targeted audience or not. Make sure that none of them are sharing anything inappropriate or divisive. It can prove detrimental to your brand’s reflection.

Prepare a list of frequent sharers who will be perfect for your brand. Then you can include them in your program of marketing via influencers. You should connect with them over the internet. You should also consider inviting them to special events. Offering exclusive backstage opportunities is also something you should think upon. You should thank them both online and offline with some token of appreciation.   


4. Social-sharing and website traffic: You should explore how social shares affect referral traffic to your website. It should inform you about the contents which attracted people to visit your site. After that, you have to contemplate the behavior of the visitors on your webpage. You must find out how long they kept your website open and where they went from there.

It is possible that analyzing your website is something too difficult for you. You shouldn’t worry because you can get help from a social media marketing company.


5. Request for links: You should connect your social-sharing data with your back-linking data. Recent studies state that there is no connection between social shares and backlinks. Naturally, you can understand that there is little to no crossover between shareable and linkable content.

You can take some measures to change this non-relationship for your brand. Compare the list of social-shares and bloggers with content references to your products, brand, services, and thought leaders. You may notice a couple of names which are present on both lists. If you do, then you should include a link with the brand website or the applicable content.


          6. Social promotion within the content: You mustn’t forget to scrutinize the in-content sharing promotions. You can develop an MS-Excel file to track your social promotion calls. You have to analyze everything that works to improve your in-content promotional ventures.

Final Words

Finally, you should avoid assessing your social-sharing metrics in a vacuum. Content marketing has several elements, and social sharing should be a part of all of them. You must consider integrating social-sharing to influencer marketing, social media program, content development and everything else.

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