Moshi Moshi: Advertising Agency India.

Posted by XPay Life
Feb 12, 2021

Moshi Moshi began with two 20 year old's, one bike, some hard selling, some logical ideas that made people relook at the way marketing can be done. It was in the year 2014.

Moshi Moshi , it’s the Japanese way of saying ‘Hello’. There is no big inspirational story here. Just a funny one. Our founders were 20. Still in their 2nd year of their undergrad program at Christ University. They wanted to call their start-up to be called “Ballyhoo”. But no one told them about trademarking.

So after college, when the trademark was needed to open a bank account for the startup. Ballyhoo was taken. Bank account had to be opened on THE day. No new name resonated with them or was available. Whole day passed.

Almost giving up on the hopes of finding an interesting name, the boys laid on their terrace floor of their first office, until one of them recalled a line from a movie they had watched the previous night. Rishav said, “Moshi Moshi” and Ajay rejoined with “Say Hello the World”. Guess what, the domain name was available and booked at that instant. Who else is happy Ballyhoo wasn’t available.

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