Looking For a Play School in Gurgaon Where Kids Learn In a Fun, Yet Meaningful Way?

Posted by BuildingKidz School
Nov 27, 2019
Time flew, and your little ones are all set to explore the world a little bit by themselves. Are you going out of your mind figuring out the ‘correct’ play school in Gurgaon for your child? At your wit's end as most seem plush, new age and child-centric?

But they are all not the same, are they? You need to go beyond the polished veneer to understand and discover which one is the best fit for your child.

A place like Gurgaon makes it even tougher as the cosmopolitan city has that many more play schools to choose from.

Here are some points that should make or break your decision when choosing a play school in Gurgaon, or for that matter anywhere in the world.

play school in Gurgaon

Inherent Qualities of a Top Play School in Gurgaon

Skilled & Empathetic Teachers

When deciding on a preschool for your little one, do keep in mind that trusting relationships are the brick and mortar of early childhood learning.

The most significant contributors to a child’s smooth transition from the secure world of his/her parents are the teachers. It is crucial they have a high emotional quotient and are empathetic to the child’s need and make them feel secure and loved.

A good play school upholds highly skilled and trained in relevant areas of child development, as the essential and non-negotiable criteria in a teacher.

All these factors are visible when touring the place. Look for cues by observing the teachers’ engagement with the kids, the comfort level of the kids’ around the teacher, the level and ease of interaction between the kids and the teacher.

Observing, together with talking to the teachers helps in getting a better picture. Additionally, the school management can be approached to understand more - the required educational qualifications for a teacher and training programs in place to enhance their skills.

Stringent Safety Measures in Place

Kids’ security, both physical as well as emotional, while they are away from us is paramount. A playschool that wants to make a difference will do its best to ensure that. The teachers and support staff will be hired only after appraising them thoroughly. The school’s infrastructure will be geared towards making the little ones safe, secure from physical and emotional and injuries.

A responsible playschool will have sound emergency plans in place and will focus on a healthy teacher-student ratio to ensure the security of the child.

playschool in Suncity, Gurgaon

Wide Scope of the Curriculum

A curriculum that has kids at its heart and focuses on their holistic development is the most effective.

It recognizes the different learning needs and capabilities of each child and adapts itself to enable it.

It engages the kids meaningfully on all levels and helps in building their emotional, social, cognitive, physical, communication & academic skills.

The curriculum which is broad-based yet individual and focuses on bringing out the best and the inherent strength in each child is what should draw us as parents.

Robust Communication

An invested playschool will ensure open channels of communication with the parents.

Monthly newsletters, emails, mailers will be in place to ensure the parents are kept abreast of the latest developments taking place in the school.

On an individual level as well, the teachers will stay in close connect with the parents and vice versa through notes, emails and periodic progress meetings.

There is an open door policy in case of emergencies or pressing matters.

Cheerful & Conducive Environment

Feel and look of the place is extremely important. Bright and happy classrooms have a therapeutic effect, on children and adults alike.

Child-friendly furniture, bright signboards which proudly display the kids’ artwork, toys, books, free space to move around safely are the physical requisites for a safe and happy classroom.

Cheerful, interactive, attentive and receptive children are the emotional requisites of a happy and progressive classroom.

A good play school will take painstaking measures to ensure the two.

Positive Parent Referrals

A play school’s best referrals are its past and present parent community.

They are the most prominent brand ambassadors for the school and the most positive affirmation of the school’s projected philosophy and work ethics.

Positive and affirmative relationships are hard to define but pretty easy to see and experience.

Building Kidz, a USA based playschool in Suncity, Gurgaon, focuses on the holistic development of the child and is committed to empowering children and igniting their interest in lifelong learning.

A child’s early childhood education should be fun, yet meaningful. It goes a long way in shaping the kids’ confidence and character and attitude towards all future learning. So the onus is on us to choose wisely.

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