Let’s Talk In Detail About The Dynamics Of Medical Astrology

Posted by Shivaraj Guruji
Nov 24, 2018

Shivaraj Guruji is a famous Indian Astrology experienced in Love Astrology in Bangalore with unparalleled and unrivaled expertise in the field of Vedic Astrology and it accompanying branches. For the past 10 years, Shivaraj Guruji has been extremely dedicated to helping the people in the various spheres of life where they couldn’t mug up the courage to escape from or the destiny isn’t letting them have an easy way out. This decade worth of expertise in this field has enabled Shivaraj Guruji to establish his niche in the field of Health and Medical Astrology to help people from across the globe find respite from the health diseases they are suffering from for a very long time.

Vedic Astrology is an assimilation of the assumptions and the predictions great and experienced Astrologers In Bangalore can carry out with the insights they receive from the movement and the position of the stars and planets and the strength and weakness of the lord of each house of our horoscope. These assumptions and predictions that astrologers garner are in direct relation to the various aspects of our lives – marriage, love, career, job, business, relationships, and health.

The Vedic Astrology which paves way for the readings, assumptions, and predictions pertaining to the health conditions of an individual is regarded as the Vedic Medical Astrology.

§  It is one of the Ayur-Jyoti techniques which take into account the Vedic Horoscope, which is formulated by the Vedic Medical Astrologer, just like Shivaraj Guruji on the basis of the exact time, date and the birth of the person in question.

§  This Vedic Horoscope is carefully put together that details and portrays the existence of a whole being and putting forth the complex conjunction of the body, mind, and spirit.

§  Vedic Medical Astrology is a very complex field that demands the complete knowledge of both astrology and the medicines.

§  To become an ace Vedic Medical Astrologer it takes years of practice to acquire full expertise in astrology and to be impeccably acquainted with the fields of physiology, anatomy, and pathology to attain the position of a qualified Medical Astrologer. 

§  A Vedic Medical Astrologer with the immense knowledge of Ayurveda can instantly take hold of the life imbalances, identify weak spots and offer the clients with the astrology solutions to rectify the triggered spots.

§  The horoscope of a person can talk in detail about the complex structural makeup of an individual along with the strength or weakness of one’s immune system along with the structural as well the functional strengths and weaknesses.

The Houses and the Planets

Vedic Medical Astrology is a great tool for a qualified and experienced astrologer to examine and detect through the careful Astrology Predictions in Bangalore a health disease a particular person is suffering from or is likely to suffer from in the nearer future.

Ø  The 6th house of the horoscope is considered as the house of the diseases

Ø  The association of the lord of the 6th house of the horoscope with the planets like Moon, Sun and Venus is a point of further concern since it can further severe an existing disease.

Ø  The 6th house of the horoscope is primarily associated with the health conditions associated with the stomach region, abdomen, intestines, navel and kidneys. Therefore, it is vital to see the position of other planets or its conjunction with other planets or house to ascertain the nature of the disease one is suffering from.

Shivaraj Guruji is an expert in the field of medical astrology and in effectively writing off the existing diseases of a client with the power of his astrology vidya. 

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