Is a Cervical Pillow really helpful for Neck Pain?

Posted by Garima Sharma
Jan 28, 2021

With the growing work culture & lifestyle routine, neck pains are becoming a common side-effect. 9 out of 10 people experience neck pain daily. It has become so mundane that we tend to ignore the pain most of the time. But do you know that continuous neck pain can lead to a severe disorder? The neck pain you are experiencing once or twice a week can become cervical. A condition in which one may have a regular neck ache followed by headaches & nausea. You can either save yourself from irreplaceable damage or simply live with the pain. 

What is Neck Pain & Cervical?

An unavoidable stiffness in the neck, nausea during the day accompanied by headaches is known as cervical. Neck pains can occur due to various reasons. When the pain becomes a routine, cervical happens. 

There is no known remedy for fixing cervical, but using a neck pillow can keep the situation under control. This pillow will align the spine and body rightfully. If you want, you can change the mattress as well. 

Benefits of Using a Neck Pillow

  • Protects the Spine

The most neglected part of the body while we sleep is the spine. Though our body weight relies on the back for rest, the spinal cord takes all the burden. A neck pillow helps in aligning the neck and spinal cord in the most comfortable way. You will feel the strain wear off once you start using a cervical pillow. 

  • Aids to Shoulder Pain

Our shoulders bear the pain at times. The heaviness you feel in the morning is the muscle contraction at night. The problem arises when you experience shoulder and neck pain all day long. The early signs of developing cervical, they say. You may as well take precautions by getting a neck pillow.  

  • Helps in improving sleep posture

With time people tend to develop weird postures while they sleep. That causes body aches the morning after. Using a neck pillow will help in the natural alignment of the body. Be it neck pain or back pain, one will feel the difference in time. 

  • Comforting for Neck-rest 

Do you sleep on your back or on your side? It doesn't matter, as the neck pillow will work for every sleeping style. This pillow is made for providing proper rest to the neck at night. Your neck won't dodge rapidly with your every turn. 

  • Easily available 

With all the innovations and rapid growth of cervical issues, the availability is increasing. You may find the neck pillows online or in the market quite easily, without any fuss. 

Make sure you check the material beforehand. A  pillow  known as a "cervical pillow" works wonder for people suffering with neck pain. Don't get confused, as these pillows are all the same made for helping you sleep better every night. 

  • Durable & Efficient

It's easy to understand why a neck pillow is a long-lasting investment. You buy it once and can enjoy the benefits for months, sometimes for years. These pillows are a companion for those suffering from cervical. 

How to use the neck pillow correctly?

The neck pillows can be of different sizes and thicknesses. A side sleeper may go for a much thicker one as compared to the back sleeper. The right way of using this pillow is to place your neck on the curve of the pillow. There will be no benefit of using the pillow haphazardly, it can even trigger more pain. Use the pillow sensibly, and you will feel the lightness and comfort in the morning as well. 

Are these pillows useful?

Yes, cervical pillows or neck pillows are very much beneficial. Just like people use memory foam pillows for temperature control and supportive back alignment, a cervical pillow works wonders for neck stiffness. Sleep experts have studied the human body in-depth, understanding the right sleeping position. Different people can have a different sleep style, but they all experience the same neck pain. The intensity can vary, but the cause is similar. Poor alignment of the neck and spine can result in severe aches. 

When to get a Sleeping Neck Pillow?

When you feel the slightest of discomfort in the neck, night after night, get the pillow! It's better to adjust to the changes before the situation gets out of our hands. Changing from a regular pillow to a neck one will take some time. Give yourself some time for getting comfortable with the new pillow. 

Common Causes of developing neck pain:

  • Age factor plays a vital role while developing neck pain. The tissues connecting the neck to the spine can experience discomfort as we age. 

  • A muscle strain can cause neck and back pain. This strain can develop due to heavy weight lifting or intense workout sessions. 

  • A reduced movement of the neck can cause stiffness, which can later develop into pain. 

  • Sitting for hours in a similar position can cause back and neck pain. 

In Short:

Neck pain or cervical is hard to cure, but with efforts, one can curb the damage they cause to the body. A neck pillow is famous for its feature of providing the resting area for the neck, aligning the back properly. 

This sleep product can be a life-changing purchase when put to use regularly. If you are using the pillow for some days and tossing it away in the storage later, it will be of no use. Being consistent with the use of neck pillows will yield better results. 

Explore the market, different kinds of pillows and mattresses, and choose the ones that support your condition. If you want to prepare in advance, you can use a cervical pillow anyway. 

Make sure that you give yourself some time to adjust to the changes. Swapping a pillow can be hard on your sleep, especially for those who have a habit of sleeping without any pillow. 

So, sleep well and wake up even better with the perfect neck pillow by your side. 


Understanding the importance of neck pillows and their usage is described in the above article. From knowing the pillow to its benefits, everything is worth the comprehension. This way you can protect your neck pain from developing into cervical pain. Be steady and efficient with your choices if you are willing to bring a change to your sleep schedule. 

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