How To Measure Influencer Effectiveness In The Absence Of Likes

Posted by Beta Social
Jan 7, 2020

As reports of the negative influence of likes on the mental state of teenagers have come into the limelight. Instagram has begun hiding likes on the user's account. You will still be able to see the number of likes you have got, but visitors from other websites would not be able to do the same.

This is to put an end to the popularity contest on the basis of the number of likes you have got. In its place would be a platform where everybody would feel welcome to create and express their creative opinion.

This is an excellent chance for users, but what about the marketers who were largely reliant on this as a metric to determine social media success? They have to now look for alternative methods to assess online performance.

Here are the proposed ways to figure out the popularity of an influencer

Check Verified Content Views

Research has been ruthless in pointing out that only about 10-20% of followers actually manager to see any of the latest posts made by a social media influencer. This figure is not dependent on the platform, or the time of the day you put a post up or which format you post. This is a truth that requires some serious pondering.

For establishing a long-lasting measurement strategy that will not be deterred by any future or current policy changes made by the website, marketers need to start looking into building a strategy that has verified influencer content views at its core.

To adequately understand campaign performance, you need to count actual verified interactions with the organic content. This is why it is better to come up with a verified content view pricing model as that will ensure that you have guaranteed deliverables.

Look For Meaningful Engagement

Let's be honest; there is no way that the reliance on simple engagement is going back anytime soon. This is an attribution that has been given value for many years. You have agencies, their clients, and influencers, all of whom are very attuned to this method as a measure of success. There is a good reason for this; we are spending money on conversion. What better way to get conversion than a simple connection with the content.

Quality engagement is better than any quantity-based influence. You can have hundreds of comments, but are they spam or something substantial? Meaningful interactions and matter, and marketers need to ensure they have metrics to check for quality content.

Retail Conversion is Important

The best way to figure out the success of your campaign lies in the conversion rate. Compare influencer spends to sales lift to get a view into the effectiveness of a campaign. This is a great way to understand the impact of the influencer.

Marketing has one goal, to drive direct sales as much as they can. Influencer marketing rose because of how direct the conversion rate had become. In the past two years alone, you have sales via social referral to rise 110%.

Hidden likes offer the industry a methodology that allows metrics to be more relevant, accurate, and transparent. If you want to understand more about social media metrics and how to calculate them, then give a call to the
Biggest Social Media Agency in Nigeria.
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