How to improve erections taking Vigora?

Posted by Susanna M.
Sep 19, 2016
Image What do you do for you? What makes you happy? Just for you! A walk, a call, a manicure, massage, bath, nails or reading? Something that is just for you - a class on cooking, marketing, computers, decorating. It might help with how you feel about you. Do you know about vigora? Not how you are feeling down. An upward march helps you to feel up. As well as people around you. I'm giving that a go. How about you?

Our men really bury our egos, self esteem, and self worth. I personally go out and have my nails done. My hair trimmed and colored when need be, I buy myself wonderful bath products, perfumes, make up and so on. I even got a new career going. I love country decorating so in the beginning of 2016 I became a Country Peddler and I get out a few nights a week and do something for me. This has really helped. Vigora is very effective for male sexual problems.

Money is good, and well ok I have a mini long term goal.To become self supporting and I am gonna be so outta here with my children. He has been talked to and warned for yrs and yrs about this being a possibility. Just thought I would take a moment to share with you my latest... last time my DH and I "talked" (that was in February just before we moved when I had a concern about not being able to see a doctor or having any insurance benefits for a while with the new job) my DH promised me he would get to a doctor as soon as we got our insurance....(we have since moved to TX and have been on a 90 day waiting period for insurance benefits).....SO....I have been oh so patient, waiting the 90 days thinking there was a viagra light at the end of the tunnel? Probably, taking vigora pills will help him for some time. And gently reminding him once in a while---not too often--that he needs to remember to get us signed up for the insurance so we could ALL make much needed doctor/dentist appointments.... WELL...ON THE VERY DAY HE WAS TO SIGN UP FOR THE INSURANCE...ON THE VERY LAST DAY WE WERE ABLE TO SIGN UP TO RECEIVE INSURANCE COVERAGE..... my DH made a decision---all by himself---that we didn't really "need" is "too expensive".....AAARRRGGGHHH! The next opportunity we have to sign up for company benefits is in OCTOBER...he said maybe by then if we couldn't find anything else "cheaper" we would have to sign up then.

OK>>>>Am I being too sensitive? Is he still just using any tactics he can at this point to avoid seeing a doctor? I think so. He refuses to admit there is a problem but he goes around in circles to avoid having to see a doctor???? We have a 10 year old son. We need to have insurance for him at the very least! I am so mad right now. Do I have a right to be angry? He doesn't think so, he won't even talk about it...he just says he will "surf the net" for some insurance quotes but he still hasn't done it. What about egrman remedies vigora-100? I have forwarded (to his email box) some of the quotes I have managed to find for us...but he hasn't even looked at them yet. Should I just go ahead and contact an agent? I know he will be furious with me. You see, if something isn't HIS idea, if HE isn't the one to make the final decision...he will sulk and pout and give us the silent angry treatment for days, it is so hard to live with that! Even if I were to find us some insurance and find us a doctor and make the appointment....he still would not go....just like before.

I am so frustrated. As long as we can all just act happy and put on the smiley faces and make like all is just is easy. Note: I did not say happy. As long as I can stand to act like I am married to the big stud around his new is easy. It makes me cringe!!! Just last week, we were eating dinner at a nice restaurant with a friend of his....the waitress comes by and asks "is everything GOOD?" DH says "Oh yeah, I want vigora 100 red tablets" with a smirk on his know what he was implying. It took everything I had to keep that fake little smile on my face and not start screaming! He later said...."What is WRONG WITH YOU??????" Wrong with ME???? He normally isn't so creepy but that one little comment cheeped me out!!! Why do men feel they have to act slimy just to impress their "friends"...does it really impress anyone???

Maybe he was overcompensating for my appearance??? I always feel like we look like Jack Sprat and his why is HE married to that? Maybe I am being too sensitive. Maybe it is all my fault. Maybe sex and intimacy is way too important to me. I don't know anymore. Anyway, thanks for letting me "talk" to someone. I could really use a good friend.

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