How to Get Google Reviews For Website

Posted by Lan Gray
Mar 1, 2019
I want to talk about is getting those reviews stars when someone does a Google search. It should Google will show up a page on your website.

How to get those review stars and the reason you want to do this?

I am on Google and I did a search for how to create an online course membership website with WordPress and the reason I entered that in this.

I want to talk about how you can get those review stars for your website. So if you're doing reviews for different products or services or maybe if you just have a review page on your website for your business. You would like to have those
review site stars show.

If you are a local sandwich shop of some type the name of your business and the word review you would want to show your review page on your website and have those star ratings show.

It's this new code that you need to add your website called schema that Google has and they have for recipes for events for all kinds of different purposes they have these different schema types. It's just some code that's inserted into your website.

A lot of times your WordPress theme might actually have this functionality
built into it. You can definitely use that if you want for me on my side I use this plug-in. It's been good and this is probably the most advanced solution.

I am currently using, first of all, they have a more compact review style where the review doesn't take up as much space. It's a lot more compact I really like that but I don't like the size of the review solution. I have it's just too big it takes up too much space. I rather have a more compact view.

It allows you if you have a blog and you have your featured images showing on your blog and next page it will actually show your review rating on the top of your featured image. So when you're on my website and you're here I can show the Google reviews.

So it might kind of draw your eyes more to the review by seeing a kind of a glimpse at what's in a be inside by just having a little overlay right there on my featured images. I really like that about it as well that something that my solution. Now does
not do the solution is very flexible.

It allows you to choose your color scheme and even if you wanted to change your color scheme on a specific review. It allows you to do that, it also allows you to Place the review box wherever you wanted to be at the top. It could be at the middle at the bottom. It can be wherever you want to place it via a short
code and I really like the flexibility that.

It's going to send some kind of a social signal to Google that this is a very highly relevant article and they should show to more people when they're searching for something related to that topic. 

It's those social signals that really tell Google what is relevant content and if you allow people to come to your site and review the products on your site that you're reviewing it just is going to boost those social signals. You can allow them to leave comments in their own reviews. I really like that about it and it does the full integration your full style. 

Control in this is something that I really think a minute enjoy using once I migrate all my data to this review plug-in and here are some your defaults where you want to have the review placed. The different schema this is something that the paid version gives you over the free version is these various schema types. 

I was saying there were a Vincent and recipes will there's actually a lot there's book game movie the list goes on and on a restaurant review there is all that.

So for example, if you wanted to have a website directory that you had listings for restaurants. You wanted people to come to the sightly review similar to yelp you can use a plug-in like this to give people those options when they come to your website and on and on. 

One of the things I really like about this plug-in is the paid version of it is like dirt cheap right now it says $39.

I think they're always having discounts on it where you might be of the get it for less than $30 and you can use this plug-in on his many sites as you want to use. 

So this is an excellent plug-in if you want to add review functionality to your website. You want to get those review stars in Google that you see right here which will increase the click through from Google to your website. Watch the video for more.
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