How to Counter Fake Allegations Legally A Study by John Giorgi

Posted by Evans Walsh
Aug 25, 2021

The continuous change in the way people think, act and react to a certain situation has brought about so many new mind baffling cases in front of the judiciary system that there is a need for amendment in the law.


The whole legal system is woven in such a way that though the process to the final verdict is hands down tedious and time-consuming, it will leave you with utmost satisfaction of justice and truth. However, there have been many cases of false accusations in the court of law. To counter these, below are mentioned some pointers.



Counter against a lawsuit for false allegation a summary by John Giorgi-


False accusation is an intentional lying of the accuser or can be unintentional in the case of confabulation, which can be spontaneous and due to some sort of mental illness or faulty interviewing methods and fortuitous suggestive questioning. Here are the simple processes you will require to file a lawsuit to your local law enforcement in case of false accusations–


1.      Locating the nearest police station, which has jurisdiction upon that case, the area where the incident took place should come one that particular police department. You can file for a defamation case. And disapprove of the allegations on your level. 


2.      Gather as much information and evidence as you can to produce it in front of the department to show how legitimate and genuine your report is, like a photo, video, and audio evidence in case of harassment and fake allegation or legal statements in case of property damage and loss. Evaluate the entire allegation after you get the notice through a lawsuit or a demand letter. Compare the person's story to yours and produce evidence on each clause to prove them wrong. John Giorgi suggests to do the best thing.


3.      Go to your own state's police officers with your identification proof for address and name. This is for the reason to work on your stamen and count on you throughout the investigation process. A relative or friend who will vouch for you is also a plus point. Go in with comprehensive research on defamation law or false allegations and discuss with the attorney for legal pieces of advice.


4.      Visiting the department during business hours, by check-in through a phone call to get the exact time of opening of precinct office. Like morning hours are less rush, they can give you all their attention though filing a report though a call at any time is available. If you are the victim in any situation, you can call them to take your statement to take action upon it. 


5.      Talk to the officer in detail and don't hold back any information because everything is important, as something irrelevant to you can b a big lead in the investigation later. Checking the insurance coverage is also very important like for renter's or homeowner's insurance includes liability converge which depends upon the context of your statement says John Giorgi. 


6.      Get a copy of the report and follow up on it within one week to keep yourself updated on the proceedings.


Assessing the case filed against you, answering all the complaints with explanations, being aware of your limitation and rights you can exercise. Settling the case by making an offer for the plaintiff when you feel the defense is not extraordinarily strong, it is best to consider the defense’s demands on the damage they suffered. This can get you through the false allegation case efficiently.





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