How to avoid 11 common warehousing mistakes

Apr 2, 2019
Common Mistakes: Generally, warehousing employers focus on warehousing operations and their profit. who doesn't have to focus on employee's training development, health, safety policies, accountability, and other important activity? If you want to reduce the warehousing cost, you just need to avoid these common mistakes. 
9 Common Warehousing Mistakes - 
1. Overpaying warehouse fees: This is a very common mistake about poor optimization of order picking paths within the warehouse. The cost of labor is the single most variable in a warehouse that can impact profitability. To achieve maximum efficiency, You should need carefully study the location of SKUs in relation to their pick velocity.

2. Ignoring Staff welfare: Staff welfare is the most important activity in developing any organization or company. If you ignoring staff welfare and motivation, you will never develop your organization or company. So you must have a focus on employees welfare and motivation. you need to give party, tour, and award to motivating to your employees. Here we can say in other words your company's success depends on your employee's hand. 

3. Lack of Staff Development and Training: Today's era is the era of competencies. Technologies change day by day, so every employer should update that technology. Each company's futures depend on its employee if they want to succeed in your company in the era of competitions. each and every employer's need to development and training to our employee from time to time. if you ignore employees development and training then you will never succeed in todays. 

4. Failing to Optimize Picking Paths: This is a very common mistake about the poor optimizations of order picking paths within the warehouse. The cost of labor is the single most variable in a warehouse that can impact profitability. To achieve maximum efficiency, You should need a careful analysis of the location of SKUs(Stock Keeping Unit) in relation to their pick velocity. 

5. The warehouse location is not ideal for your business: If you start your warehousing storage services out of business hub location then this is your startup may be valueless. you should need research before starting your warehousing storage about business hub area and relevant or suitable/ business according to your warehousing storage services.

6. Not discussing the details of your required services before starting:  You should need to be discussed to all detail about warehousing and logistics services to the customer before starting. such as: how much need warehousing space, How much time to take warehousing, warehousing rent and what is warehousing services you need? 

7. Not taking into account how long the warehouse has been operating: If you don't maintain account and ledger for warehousing storage after contact to the customer, then warehousing cost may be higher and you will not have to controls on warehousing cost. So you should need to keep in the proper way all account and ledger books.

8. Lack of Attention to Housekeeping: Housekeeping is not just cleanliness,  It keeps work areas neat and orderly, maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards housekeeping keep working place neat and clean. It can eliminate some workplace hazards and help to get a job done safely and properly. Poor housekeeping can frequently contribute to accidents by hiding hazards that cause injuries. so We can say in another hand, Good housekeeping is avoided to the basic part of accident and fire prevention.

9. Lack of Safety Policies and Enforcement: Injured and unhealthy workers are usually slow workers and also impact on work quality and quantity. Over time, employees who don’t work in a safe and ergonomic manner will slow down. Sooner or later this slowdown will take a toll on the operation and increase overall costs. You must need checked employee's health by OHSA (Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification).
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