How to Abort Pregnancy of 2 Weeks in India?

Posted by Aana Mathew
Mar 16, 2021

Health is a factor worthy of consideration at any given time. No matter what the circumstances stand for, seeking medical assistance is always a great option indeed. 

“You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.”

-  Hillary Clinton

But the actual unprivileged are the ones who lack the information it needs to decide on a big note. The question of how to abort pregnancy of 2 weeks in India? Is searched on the internet over 75% of the times by women users. 

The question that keeps bouncing in front of our eyes for the most accurate reasons possible. Even after the legality of the termination of pregnancy in India, the rise of illegal abortion is extremely high. 

What could be the reason? Is it fear? Anxiety? All the myths that stop you from deciding? Unsupportive husband and family? 

But the major fact we should know about the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (MTP) is that it dictates various privileges for adult women and teenage girls in order to achieve the goal. 

The major reasons for abortion in India are covered in the broader sections of it. They are as follows:

  • If continuing the pregnancy could harm or cause grave injury to the soon-to-be-mother mentally or physically.

  • A substantial risk for the child. If born could lead to death or the handicap nature of it. 

  • Pregnancy due to rape. 

  • Due to the failure of contraceptives used by married couples. 

This law covers a number of scenarios and holds authentic measures for further consideration. 

Now, coming to the abortion techniques that can be achieved and well worked upon. 

There are two major abortion methods to look forward to. They are

  • Medicinal Abortion

  • Surgical Abortion

The brief elaboration is as follows:


  • Medicinal termination is performed for the pregnancy of less than 6 weeks only.

  • It is a safe non-surgical method of termination performed with medicines that should be taken under strict medical supervision.



  • Surgical abortion is conducted by vacuum suction. It is considered to be a safe method with a very less complication rate.

  • This is performed in a well-equipped operation theatre only.

  • Sterile equipment is used for this method and disposable syringes needles and cannula are also used.

  • The procedure is performed either in local or general or anaesthesia under ultrasound guidance.

  • The procedure takes only about 15 minutes.

  • The patient is asked to stay back in the hospital for 2 to 3 hours for complete recovery from anaesthesia.

  • Oral medication is sometimes given for a couple of days after the procedure.

The abortion cost in Delhi is reasonable and affordable at the same time. 

If you consult an authentic and known medical institution, the chances are that you will have a safe abortion under experienced medical practitioners and staff for assistance. No safety issues shall encounter which is the most required factor in such operations. 

The post-procedure factors are as follows:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting because of general anaesthesia 

  • Menstrual cramps following abortion

  • Heavy bleeding

But the features that need medical consideration are as follows:

  • Heavy bleeding with clotting

  • Pain or discomfort not relieved by the medicines 

  • Fever

  • Vomiting for more than 4-6 hours

  • Vaginal discharge

  • Foul-smelling of the vaginal area

The abortion cost in Delhi can be enquired once you take an appointment with the medical institution concerned. 

Now, that you know the major answer to this question that is, 

How to abort a pregnancy of 2 weeks in India

What are your thoughts on abortion?

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