How is butter made: Butter Making Process

Posted by Sreeja Talukder
Mar 8, 2021

Butter is a very important dairy product, which is used for making many kinds of food. Is butter a dairy product or not? Butter is no doubt a dairy product as it is made from pure cow milk. We can learn a lot of information about the making process of butter by reading the various recipes that have been handed down throughout history. These recipes will give you a detailed idea about how butter is made?

Ghee vs butter is all about the difference between ghee and butter. The ingredients that are used to make this dairy staple are just some of the things that we need to know about making this dairy product. You should also be aware of the different steps that go into the making process of butter.

Making process of butter

  • At first pure cow milk is collected and boiled. 

  • Now the milk cream is collected to churn until it gets separated into butter and milk fat.

  • After some time you will see that the mixture has been separated into butter and buttermilk.

  • Carefully separate the butter and wash it off in ice cold water for several times.

This is known to be the  traditional butter making process. Is butter dairy? The answer is yes. Butter is rich in lactose and casein. So, if you have dairy-sensitivity, please ignore butter. You can have ghee in your diet which is free from lactose and casein. 
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