How does Acupuncture Work With Fertility To A Woman's Benefit?

Posted by Disco Disuja
Nov 28, 2022

Acupuncture restores a stressed body to a relaxed mode so the fertility process is better for the body. It is proven through better blood flow to the required areas.

In treating women's health along with gynecological issues, Traditional Chinese Medicines hold a successful history. Acupuncture is indeed a proven effective treatment for solving women's health issues, particularly to enhance fertility.


By improving the blood flow to the uterus and the reproductive system, Acupuncture helps with embryo implantation at the primary stage, especially during IVF. The treatment raises stress-coping hormone levels like cortisol and prolactin when applied right before ovulation. While the stress response of the body goes down, fertilization and implantation can be changed.

This article has been dedicated to how Acupuncture works with fertility to justify why the women in Northern Beaches rely on this holistic treatment.


Human bodies function in two different modes of living, Normal Mode and Stressed Mode.

Normal Mode

Normal mode or the parasympathetic state is the first living mode when the body functions as it should. It is then at rest relaxed and ovulate mode. During this mode, the body

  • Easily receives nutrients from all digested foods.

  • Fights  off bugs

  • Makes new cells

  • Regulates hormones that include fertility, appetite and sleep

  • Makes new sperms and maturing eggs

Stressed Mode

The fight, flight or sympathetic mode is the second mode that flicks on the right when the body senses danger or is at stress. In this mode, the body lives, evolves and prepares the body to fight foreign elements.  

New priorities gain in this mode –  

  • The body rushes through or just in half for its usual processes.

  • The body redirects blood flow to the brain, big muscles and major organs.

  • The body produces Cortisol or stress hormones for helping it run and fight. Cortisol is manufactured of the same building blocks as Testosterone, Oestrogen and Progesterone.

The body prioritizes stress hormones production over fertility ones if it has to.  For the short term, it is better, but not so better in the long term.

Feeling stressed for a long time means the pelvic blood flow is not proper, hence eggs and sperm will be affected. Sleep and digestion are affected. The body fails to produce fertility hormones since the body is making cortisol. It creates a negative effect on fertility.


Acupuncture Is Applied Since it Helps in Four Distinct Ways

1. Acupuncture lowers cortisol.  The body and mind are relieved from flight and fight mode and go into rest, relaxation and ovulate mode. It means the body can produce hormones in the right amount. Blood flows through as it should.

2. Acupuncture helps in improving pelvic blood flow. When the Acupuncture pins are inserted into the acupoints, then the body is directed to send more blood and nutrients to the specific area. The pins superficially draw in more blood to the uterus and ovaries.

3. Acupuncture in the legs influences blood flow in the pelvis since the meridian channels are connected. Needles need not be inserted to lower the tummy for helping the hormones.

4. Acupuncture helps in improving sleep and aids digestion for the body to absorb the nutrients in food and vitamins. Getting good and sufficient sleep helps the body to be in its rest, relax and ovulate mode by lowering Cortisol levels. The body has enough energy for doing all jobs.

Time Taken For Acupuncture To Work Out

Acupuncture takes time to heal the body and reset it to its working order.

  • To mature fully to new and better quality eggs, the eggs take complete 3 cycles.

  • New and improved sperms mature 90 days before they are ready to roll.

So, the best outcome of TCM is weekly for 3 cycles, as opposed to a couple of sessions in the middle of the IVF cycle. Hence, the Acupuncturists can work with the body in all its stages of the cycle along with the 2-week wait. You are free to take up Acupuncture at any stage you feel like.  

By lowering stress, the body benefits from better pelvic blood flow and hormone regulation.

Acupuncture treatments can be tailored to the body to make it feel good. The treatment aims at pleasing while treating the symptoms like period pains, inducing better sleep and gut health. Moreover, Acupuncture is a super relieving method. 

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