How Can a Motor Insurance Premium Calculator help you Select the Best Insurance?

Posted by Bhargav Baweja
Nov 30, 2018

The premium is one of the most important considerations when buying a car insurance policy. However, most car owners find themselves confused when they are looking for the best insurance policy. To help them calculate the premium on their policy, there are now car insurance premium calculators available online.

But apart from calculating the premium, the online calculators can help you in several other ways. With all the things that you can do with a calculator, rest assured that buying the best car insurance as per your requirements is no longer a confusing and time-consuming process it used to be.

1. Compare Quotes from Multiple Insurance Providers

To get the best deal on a car insurance policy, it is essential to compare quotes from multiple insurance providers. And not just the premium, it is also crucial to go through what is and what is not included in the policy.

A premium calculator provides insurance quotes from top insurance providers in India based on the car model and year you select. You can also check the premium details and policy coverage in detail to make the right decision.

2. Set your IDV

The IDV or the Insured Declared Value is the maximum amount your insurance provider will pay in case if your car is totally damaged or stolen. Higher IDV means higher premium and lower IDV attracts a lesser premium.

While the insurance provider fixes a minimum IDV based on the car you select, you’re allowed to increase the IDV up to a limit. With the help of a premium calculator, you can see how an increase in the IDV changes the premium. You can use this to select the right IDV.

3. Select Add-on Covers

While add-on covers make the car insurance policy slightly more expensive, they also offer excellent benefits to reduce owner’s liability further.

There are now many different types of add-on covers like zero-depreciation, 24x7 roadside assistance, passenger cover, return to invoice cover, etc. that you can purchase with the policy. The calculator allows you to add these extra covers if you need them and calculate the total premium of the policy.

4. Take Advantage of NCB

If you’re looking to renew your car insurance policy and didn’t file any claim in the previous year, you might have received some NCB (No Claim Bonus). You can use this NCB to reduce the premium of your renewed policy.

The calculators have an option to add your accumulated NCB and calculate the total premium in accordance with the NCB discount.

5. Purchase the Policy

The motor insurance premium calculator not only helps you find the best insurance policy but also makes it easier for you to purchase the policy online.

You can buy the policy directly through the calculator by providing your personal details, your vehicle’s details, and making the payment. The policy documents would be delivered to your email address, and a hard copy will be sent to your home.


If you’re finding it difficult to select the best car insurance, a premium calculator can be the best solution. As you can see, the online tool offers a host of benefits to help you buy the perfect car insurance exactly as per your requirements in a simple, smart and time-efficient manner.

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