Homeopathy for Infertility- Homeopathy can help you to get pregnant faster

Posted by Aura Homeopathy
Oct 16, 2019
Image Aura Homeopathy For infertility Treatment In India: 
Homeopathic medicine are very effective for Pcos, hormonal imbalance, fibroid, irregular menses, low sperm count, prematutre ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, etc. We have a good track record, to help you to get pregnant easily with the aid of natural homeopathy medicine for infertility. At Aura we recommended Homeopathy For Infertility in both male and female patients. 

As per Dr.Abhishek Kasana M.D Homeopathy doctor in India, role of classical homeopathy is well known to medical doctors during the time of delivery and pregnancy, but these well selected sweet homeopathy globules can also be a helpful aid in the pre-conception period. Now a days, a number of couples are opting Homeopathy For Infertility treatment. 

Is Homeopathy effective for Infertility? How can homeopathy help you get pregnant?
Homeopathy For Infertility
Homeopathy is effective only in cases of functional infertility.
When a woman can not get pregnant it can regulate menstrual cycles, ovulation (after stopping the pill , for example) and improve the hormonal balance (especially when there is no ovulation) and the quality of cervical mucus. It also promotes implantation of the egg in the uterine lining. 

As the hormonal balance is dependent on the psyche, a homeopathic background treatment depending on the woman's personality can also be prescribed in addition.

Before IVF (in vitro fertilization) and in the following weeks, homeopathy effectively treats the stress and anguish of women who experience it as a trauma.

How long should homeopathic therapy be used to boost fertility ?
Three to six months of treatment, with granules twice a day, make it possible to obtain, in a large number of cases, a pregnancy.

It is not uncommon today to get out of a birth preparation class with a prescription for homeopathy medicine that the expectant mother will conscientiously take in the weeks preceding the term and the day. Less is known about the use of this soft medicine during the baby trials . "  Homeopathy is not well known to the general public in this indication," confirms various gynecologist. "  Unless we are followed by a generalist Good Classical homeopath, there is little chance of benefiting in a pre-conception period . " Too bad, because homeopathy can give a real boost for getting pregnant.

Homeopathy For fertility: how does it work?
Homeopathy can be used in various functional disorders causing a subfertility. "  In case of organic diseases, homeopathy can be associated with allopathy, which it will complete the action,  " adds Dr.Abhishek. Today there are many otc homeopathy pharmacy preparations for fertility available in the market", but the best is to consult a good classical homeopath for more effective and personalized prescription. The treatment is usually long: 3 to 6 months.

Homeopathy for infertility
- Regulate hormones to improve the quality of cycles and ovulation . " Most often, it is a question of correcting a situation of hyperoestrogenism which is frequently characterized by a premenstrual syndrome ", explains Dr.Abhishek Homeopathic specialist. Hypophysinum, Folliculinum, LHRH, FSH are the best homeopathic medicine used in this indication. "  In other cases, it will be a question of correcting a deficiency in progesterone, responsible for a bad plateau in second part of cycle  ", continues the homeopathic specialist.

- Stimulate cervical mucus to promote the passage of spermatozoa. Folliculinum and Lycopodium are the two leading homeopathy medicine.

- To improve the quality of the tissues, "in  particular that of the uterine lining in order to favor the implantation of the egg. We will then use Luteinum ", explains Dr. Swati. On an aging and fibrous uterus, Fraxinus Americana and Thuja are the two Best prescribed homeopathic medicine. To treat a sclerosis of the tissues in the tubes: Thiosinaminum.

- After a miscarriage , " Arnica can be prescribed for shock, treat stress and offer strains of Luteinum hormones to promote the implantation of the egg during a future pregnancy. We will eventually add Ovarinum, Folliculinum and Actea Racemosa to correct the hormonal state  , "explains Dr. Swati.

- To act against the spasms of the tubes (the tubes are not blocked, but they contract, preventing then the good progression of the oocyte) with Actea racemosa and Chamomilla.

- Help manage stress with Gelsemium, Ignatia, Passiflora.

- In addition to AMP treatments, "a personalized hormonal treatment can be prescribed to regulate the hormonal and emotional state of the woman," says the Dr.Abhishek Homeopathic specialist in India.

Aura Homeopathy For Infertility
Homeopathy also helps women to conceive a baby. The point on this gentle medicine that could help you get pregnant faster.

Homeopathy is based on three main principles. A substance that causes in a healthy person certain disorders is able to cure these same disorders in a sick person. This is the law of similarity . The substances used (animal, vegetable or mineral) are very low dose without losing their effectiveness: it is the principle of infinitesimality . Finally, homeopathy is a medicine that treats the whole person and not just disease. 
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