Hair Transplant Turkey Results Timeline

Mar 8, 2021

Medical tourism to Turkey is a massive market. In 2018, more than 700,000 patients came to Turkey for medical treatments. One of the most popular reasons for travelling here is to receive a hair transplant in Turkey. This is fueled by the world-class quality of Turkish doctors, and the affordable prices of doing business here. Hair transplants are minimally invasive, outpatient procedures. A typical hair transplant takes only 3-6 hours, and the standard travel time for a hair transplant in Istanbul is only 3-5 days.

Before Your Hair Transplant

Before any hair restoration procedure, the first step is to undergo a full, free consultation with a hair transplant surgeon. Once a treatment plan has been agreed upon, it is time to schedule your appointment. Please note that certain medications (such as Aspirin) must not be taken for up to three days before your procedure as they thin the blood. Please consult your doctor before adjusting any medications. It is also important to note that no caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol should be consumed 24 hours before - and for 7 days after - your operation.

Timeline Of Results

Immediately after the surgery, it is normal to experience swelling, itching, and burning at both the donor and recipient sites. This will subside after 5-7 days. When you leave the clinic, your head will be bandaged to prevent complications.

One Day

The day after your procedure, we will invite you back to our clinic for a follow-up appointment. At this time, your medical dressing will be removed from the transplant site, we will evaluate your results, and clean the site. We also provide LLLT laser hair therapy for all clients to promote healing.

Three Days

Do not wash your hair for the first three days as the newly implanted hair follicles are still healing. After not less than 72 hours, it is safe to resume washing your hair. There is a very particular process for this that will be gone over in detail during your follow-up appointment. We will provide you with all of the necessary medications and literature for you to use over the next 2-3 weeks.

One Week

After a week, the newly implanted hairs should have embedded themselves into the scalp. The recipient area may begin to itch. DO NOT scratch it, as this can dislodge the grafts. Over the next few days, it is common to experience “shock loss” where the new hairs will fall out. This is completely normal and is likely to continue for the next 2-3 months.

15 To 30 Days

Over the next few weeks, the hairs will continue to shed. By 3 - 5 weeks after your surgery, you should return to a pre-operative look.

One To Six Months

Once you have returned to your pre-op look, you will slowly start to notice new hair growing in. This usually begins to occur after 6-8 weeks, but may take as long as 12 weeks. By the 6 month mark, you should notice new growth across the recipient site.

One Year

After 1 year, the newly transplanted hair should be fully grown. The hair will continue to become thicker and fuller over the next 6 months.

18 Months

Final results will be reached.

How Long Will The Results Last?

Hair transplants are truly permanent solutions and the effects will stay with you for a lifetime. The Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic in Istanbul is a world-leading establishment in the field of hair restoration. Dr Aygin has over 25 years of experience and has been a pioneer in the development of sapphire DHI and FUE hair transplants.
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