Posted by Hunter tyson
Apr 23, 2020

Due to the immense availability of Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) providers, you may feel overwhelmed when seeking the right and professional one. Nonetheless, choosing the ideal EMS partner could boost your business significantly and set you us for future success and a wrong choice could ultimately put a company in financial ruin, destroy or damage your relationship with your customers and your reputation.

Here are a few things you should consider in finding the right electronic manufacturing services partner:

 The Right Fit – No two Electronic Manufacturing Service providers are the same, and hence selecting the one that best suits your needs requires a well-thought-out approach. To filter out the ‘possibles’ and the ‘probables’, find a suitably sized partner compatible with your projects and budget limits. Take into consideration the typical volumes they manufacture and the complexity of the products they produce. The best EMS should be able to accommodate your work in the present and future.

Proper Certifications and Quality Assurance – An electronic manufacturing services company should have the right certifications required to build your products or offers the services. It also ought to be supported by robust systems, standards, and procedures. Carry out your own personalized audit to ensure that you understand the minimum requirements such as IPC build standard, ISO approval, and the solid quality analysis foundation. At the broadest level, the company should be ISO 9001:2008 certified as well as have another process quality designations such as ISO13485 or RoHS compliant.

Technical Capability – Before choosing an EMS provider, you should establish a list of your technical “must-haves.” Inquire if the company can manufacture your product using abreast of technology. It should demonstrate its capabilities of manufacturing products with similar complexities. Besides, you should ask how they manage any new product introduction (NPI) process, test requirements, and faultfinding.

Financial Stability – Checking the financial stability of EMS should never be overlooked since you’re entrusting them with the future of your business. The right provider ought to have a reputable financial history and credit rating that can support heavy capital investment and effective and advance procurement. Moreover, it should be able to survive economic downturns and have the stability to support the customer base.

Ethos and Culture – Understanding how to run a business fairly and ethically is indispensable. The right EMS company should be founded on solid principles and are devoted to their craft. An EMS partner with certified, highly qualified, and experienced staff can customize and perfect their products and services. More so, a customer-centric and service-oriented provider has what it takes to design and implement effectually electronics manufacturing.

Location of business – It is imperatively beneficial to have the ability to pay your EMS provider visits to deliver test equipment, collect urgent prototypes, or for meetings. If all the shortlisted EMS are equals in other aspects, you should consider working with the one closest to your business that adds value to your relationship.

The Takeaway

 Understanding what is best for your business is crucial. Thus, use different tips to find the most compatible and effective electronic manufacturing services provider. At Hunter-Tyson, we can help you develop innovative products, dominate the market sectors, and improve financial strength. Our up-to-date equipment coupled with the seasoned team of staff has been handling the complexities of new products and producing top-quality equipment over the decades. Besides, we have experience across the different market sectors including manufacturing in china and turnkey contract manufacturing, which allows us to meet and exceed your expectations and requirement

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