Everything To Know About Beard Hair Transplant

Posted by Andrew Martin
Jun 14, 2024

The association between masculinity and a thick beard has always been strong. However, in the late 90s, the clean-shaven look became more popular. But now, once again, the bearded look is back in fashion, whether it's in Bollywood, Hollywood, or cricket. Not every man is naturally blessed with a thick beard, but there's no need to be disappointed. There are solutions available for those who desire a dense beard. Beard hair transplant has become a popular choice for addressing this issue. With advancements in hair transplant techniques, it is now possible to achieve a natural and aesthetically pleasing look. All you need is a trustworthy surgeon and a well-equipped clinic.

Reasons for hair loss or low density beard?

The main reasons for sparse beard growth are as follows:

1. Genetics: If your father or grandfather had a patchy beard or experienced hair loss, there is a possibility that you may also have a similar beard condition due to hereditary factors.

2. Hormonal Imbalance: Low testosterone levels can result in a sparse beard. Hormones can affect blood circulation in the cheek area, leading to inadequate nourishment and hormonal control, which can cause hair loss or patchy beard growth.

3. Lifestyle Factors: Just like a healthy lifestyle is important for overall well-being, it is also crucial for the health of your facial hair. Factors such as stress, poor nutrition, and a diet lacking in biotin and niacin can contribute to inadequate beard growth.

Facial hair transplant

The main objective of a hair transplant is to treat areas of baldness on the scalp or facial regions like the beard, moustache, or eyebrows. Moreover, this procedure can also be opted for to redefine the hairline. Specifically, a facial hair transplant focuses on covering bald areas on the face, including the beard, moustache, and eyebrows. These procedures require a high level of precision and skill due to their intricate nature.

With the increasing popularity of various hair transplant procedures nationwide, there is a growing curiosity about the possibility of undergoing a beard hair transplant. The answer to this inquiry is undoubtedly - YES!

Beard Hair transplant:

The fundamental principle behind Beard Hair transplant is similar to that of scalp hair transplantation. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area, typically the back and sides of the head or under the chin, and then transplanted to the bald patches in the beard. A full, dense beard usually requires around 2500 hair grafts. This procedure is highly aesthetic in nature, as great attention must be paid to the angulation, alignment, and spacing of the hair grafts to avoid vertical angulation, which could result in an undesirable appearance. Therefore, it is essential that the surgeon and clinic performing the procedure have a high level of expertise. There are two methods for harvesting the graft from the donor area.

1. FUT (Follicular unit transplantations or strip technique):

This method entails removing a narrow strip of tissues containing hair follicles from the donor area, with a strip size of less than 10-15 mm. The strip is then dissected under a high-quality microscope to separate the follicles, which are subsequently transplanted into the prepared slits at the balding site.

FUE (Follicular unit extraction):

In contrast, this approach involves extracting individual follicles using a small punch-like device, which are then transplanted into the balding area.

The choice between these techniques is typically determined by your surgeon, taking into account factors such as the number of follicular grafts needed, the presence of patchy areas, and the hair density in the donor region. FUE is often the preferred method for beard hair transplants, as approximately 2500 grafts are usually required.

Precaution taken before and after beard hair transplant:

Before the operation:

1. The use of blood thinners such as aspirin must be discontinued with the approval of the physician 10 days before the surgery.

2. Anti-inflammatory medications are not to be taken 3 days prior to the transplant.

3. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited 3 days before the transplant.


1. Refrain from washing the face until the flakes around the newly transplanted follicles have fallen off, which typically occurs in 4-5 days.

2. If prescribed by the surgeon, antibiotics should be taken to prevent infection.

3. Keep the area as dry as possible to prevent bacterial growth.

4. Avoid shaving for at least a week or 10 days as advised by your surgeon.


The cost per graft typically ranges from INR 20 to INR 120, depending on the reputation of the clinic and the surgeon performing the procedure. Most clinics follow a transparent price-per-graft model. While there may be cheaper options available, it is advisable not to prioritize cost when it comes to aesthetic treatments like beard hair transplant. Doing so may compromise the quality of the treatment, leading to unsatisfactory results that may require additional work.

Medispa Hair Transplant Centre in Delhi, owned by Dr. Suneet Soni, is renowned as one of the top hair transplant clinics in India. It is highly regarded by both national and international patients, including several famous celebrities. Medispa Clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, advanced international protocols, and high hygiene standards. They utilize video-assisted microscopes and employ graft segregation under high magnification to ensure the best possible results and patient comfort.

Dr. Suneet Soni has built a strong reputation in the field of hair transplant through his unwavering commitment to treatment quality. This is evident in the positive feedback from his patients, many of whom consider him the best hair transplant surgeon in India. With over 20 years of experience, he has successfully treated over 20000+ patients with various hair issues of different complexities.

If you are looking to enhance your beard hair or achieve a fuller beard look, do not hesitate to reach out to Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic. Their team will provide guidance to help you achieve your desired results.
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