Everything That Matters In Making a Great Mobile App

Posted by Ruchhir Agarwal
Nov 6, 2017
Every great app that matters today has undergone a vigorous app development, design, and testing procedure. And all of it involved the consideration of things and elements which matters in making the app great.

Ever thought how the most popular mobile apps like Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Dropbox, and Youtube, among others, have become so popular? Surely, you would have.

There are elements and aspects that you cannot afford to miss while getting your mobile app developed. Want to know about them? Have a look:

There must be a clear purpose of your app- Your app must solve a real problem of your target audience. Know why does your app exist in the first place. It must not exist only because other businesses are getting their mobile apps developed. Be a valuable resource to your users via your app in order to get them to return to your app frequently.

The app’s launch screen- First impression is crucial since it is responsible for setting some expectations of the users. The launch screen is the first thing that your app users are going to see for a couple of seconds. A pro tip here would be to include an image which speaks volume about your brand or to put a branding element on this screen. Keep it neat, simple and uncluttered because putting lots of things on this screen might increase its load time.

Login screens and signup screens of the app- Give your app users a seamless login experience by incorporating a lot of login options with existing platforms, like, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. Further, your sign up process should be as short as possible. Short is sweet. A recommendation: Do not keep more than two to three fields necessary in filling up the sign-up form.

The activity feeds- This must provide all essential information to your users and must be very engaging for them. Make the activity feed interesting by using bright colored call-to-action buttons and icons. Don’t make it look flashy though, keep it clean with one tap options in order to give your users a seamless experience.

Search box- Even if your app isn’t very data heavy or an e-commerce one, it still needs good search options with lots of useful filters to let the users refine their search results.

Social media features/buttons- You should definitely consider integrating social media buttons in your app because this would allow your users to share posts and stuff from your app to their social media profiles, which will ultimately make your app more popular among your target niche.

Readability- If this is isn’t considered, your app might end up frustrating your users to no end. What good would any app be when it wouldn’t even allow your users to be able to read out its content easily? Make sure to use colors sparingly and try to use contrasting colors that are easy on the eyes and doesn’t stress the eyes of your users. Further, the font size of all the text that the app contains should be neither too large, nor too small. And try to avoid using multiple typefaces as it might make your app look tacky and awkward.

Usability- Your app must be highly interactive and easily usable by your target users. It must have seamless transitions. You can enhance your app’s usability by adding interactive design elements like animations and gestures in order to guide your users around the app.

Accessibility- Do not miss considering people with disabilities and limitations because they too would be using your app. Make sure your app is designed keeping them in mind. For this, you should keep your app’s design clean and uncluttered, use minimal visual elements, use recognizable cues and metaphors, allow visual customization, and make your text size visible, among other things.

Navigation- Here comes the cliche: navigation must be as simple and intuitive as possible. But well, cliches are there for a reason. Building a simple and intuitive navigation would be the most basic (yet amazing) thing that you would do to make your app look great and give your users a seamless experience while using it. One benefit of hiring an experienced website development service is that it will make sure to make your app’s navigation look smooth and seamless.

Notifications- Now, this is something that I would absolutely never miss if I would get my app built and well, you shouldn’t either. Let me tell you why. You want your users to keep coming back to your app, don’t you? Via push notifications, you could let them know what is going on in your app, any new product or service that you’re launching, upcoming events, discount vouchers, deals, and coupons, etc. Don’t make your notifications annoying though.

App ratings and reviews- When speaking of app ratings and reviews, it is the other way round. A good app ultimately attracts good app ratings and reviews, not the other way round. Quite obvious, isn’t it? But practically, you still would have to put some effort in getting good ratings and reviews for your app by real customers. This would be responsible for elevating your app’s popularity more.

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