Eight Best App Ideas For People With Disabilities

Posted by Melissa Crooks
Sep 13, 2017

People with disabilities have special needs because they cannot do things as easily as the regular person or operate machines and smartphones just as easily. It is very difficult or almost impossible for a visually impaired person, physically disabled person or even sounds impaired individual to operate their smartphones the way an able person would.

These disabilities make it hard for them to cope and survive out there but there are some app ideas by app builders that can help them use their Smartphone almost better as other people.

Here are some app ideas for people with disabilities;

1. GPS navigation app

This app idea would be a great way to help the visually impaired (blind people). The navigation app would help them move around quite easily and find their way without getting lost or getting involved in an accident.

The app would always announce little things that would help the blind find their ways like the compass heading, the nearby roads, the street address or even a nearby crosswalk. These simple constant announcements would give the visually impaired an opportunity to walk around as if they can see where they are going to. They can also get turn by turn directions like they are handheld to their destination.

2. Voice command app

Voice command is an app idea for the physically impaired that uses voice prompting to manage their Smartphones. Those who are physically impaired and cannot operate their smartphones can easily say things to navigate through their phones. For instance; they can say things like “open contacts,” “scroll up,” “click ok.” The voice command can also be used to type by dictating your commands to the app.

With this app, they would be able to manage their smartphones efficiently.

3. Communication app

This app idea is to help those who cannot communicate with written words or spoken words. It assists them in communicating better and easily. The app would have a default profile that contains some basic phrases and sentences, but they can create their profiles and add whatever phrases and sentences that best suit them. They can also configure emergency SOS button, emergency phone number and an emergency message that can be sent to a particular number when in need of help.

The app would use a text to speech (TTS) engine and should be available in so many languages to help boost communication among different cultures and languages.

4. Virtual buttons app

This app idea would be of great help to the physically disabled. The virtual buttons are going to make it easy to control and navigate their smartphones without having to touch it. They can use these virtual buttons to make phone calls, take screenshots, play music on their phones and do so many other functions easily.

With this app, physically impaired people would no longer be left out when it comes to operating their smartphones because it would be so easy to navigate through.

5. Accessibility app

This accessibility app idea is basically for the visually impaired, to assist them to interact with their smartphones and other devices. The accessibility app gives them the opportunity to be able to talk to their phones. With this app, they can be able to understand what is going on with their devices though they cannot see it. It would be different from other apps for the visually impaired because it would contain features like; audible feedback, vibration, and so many other new features.

This app would make it easy for the blind to understand what is happening with their phones without missing the fact that they cannot see it like other people.

6. Automated actions app

This is one of the best app ideas; it assists in setting various automated actions that would help the disabled carry out some activities without stress. The good thing about this app idea is that it can benefit those who are not disabled in any way but are maybe sick or stressed out. This app can carry out simple tasks like read messages out loud upon arrival or set an alarm for the next morning.

For this app to be very useful, they can make it compatible with the devices in their homes. That way, they can have the app turning off the light when they want or increasing the heater at certain times during the night. Although to make this app idea compatible with their homes would be quite an investment, but it would be worth every penny. This is because they would have the opportunity to go through everyday life like the typical person out there and be a master of their smartphones without stress and difficulties.

7. Speech to text app

The speech to text app idea would be a very useful communication tool for the deaf. The number of people who have no knowledge of sign language is so high, which makes it hard for deaf people to communicate easily out there. But with this app, they have a chance to communicate better and easily. The app would simply listen to whatever is being said to the deaf person and translates it to text which they can read and understand. This way the communication barrier is breached and the deaf can easily communicate without feeling left out.

When traveling to other countries, the app can also help them translate the spoken foreign language to a text of their native language. This way, breaching two language barriers and making communication easier for the disabled. This app would not only profit the deaf, but it can also be used as a translator for other people traveling to foreign countries and facing language barrier related issues.

8. Color identification app

This app idea is specifically for people who are color impaired (color blinded). They find it difficult to recognize color like the other people because they are blinded; color wise. This app would work hand in hand with their smartphone camera to identify colors easily for them. By simply pointing the camera at any item, the app would identify the color and communicate it to the user. For instance; they can easily use the app to determine if the outfit they want to wear to a funeral is black or purple. The app can just write the color of the outfit on the screen of the Smartphone or even say it out loud.

This app idea would make people with color blindness live as easily as others and also prevent them from always looking socially awkward at different situations and occasions because they cannot identify the right colors. For this app reading to be accurate, the camera quality on the Smartphone should also be considered.

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