Ecommerce Trends That will Change the Face of Online Shopping in 2018

Posted by Sulit Retails
Dec 29, 2017

Online commerce has been growing at a rapid pace but it is not just growing it also keeps changing. For instance, what was popular just a few years ago might now have become obsolete, and all those things that you’ve underestimated at a time might just turn out to be critical to your success. Based on the observations of the recent changes and the developments, here is a list that drops down the most significant trends of E-commerce that will change the face of online shopping in 2018.


You might wonder what these trends are well, they are categorized as devices that are being used, user-experience, marketing, costs as well as security.


Devices –No matter where you look for data, you will always see the same trend. Mobile traffic for E-commerce has been growing, and that growth will not stop anytime soon. Of course, this does not mean that desktops are getting eliminated but customers are have become more confident and thus they are willing to shop while browsing the internet using their smartphones. And this growth is especially evident during high-sales time.


User Experience–With the already increase in the number of competitors who are as it ease fighting for customers and there are new stores coming up every day, it is becoming very hard to grab the attention of the customers. This is the reason why from the very first banner that they see, you would have to communicate with them in a way that they would find appealing.


Marketing –When we speak about personalization and the user experience, it is very critical to remember how customers have themselves changed over the past few years. Disruptive advertising is nowadays becoming less efficient, and the real key of getting the attention of all the web users is basically relevancy. Well, this is where those native ads come into play.


Costs –Having an active Facebook fan page is no longer enough. We have to make use of all the other platforms that are quite profitable, even without any sort of investment in ads, such as Instagram and Pinterest which will slowly become too competitive for just organic reach to be sufficient. Thus there would be one in three customers who would promptly purchase from one of these major social networks. Because of the prices for the social media ads on Facebook are increasing day by day, it might soon become very hard for new business owners or startups to get a decent ROI or even start on a small budget. That’s why it is recommended tooptimize the store after testing it with different sources of traffic, before spending any money on social media ads.


Security –With the rapid increase in the number of online purchases simply proves that people are enjoyingordering just about anything they want in a few clicks. For instance, most women these days are ordering backpacks for women online rather that going to a store. But such a convenience definitely comes at a cost. Every time a customer makes a purchase their personal as well as payment details are shared with the retailer. Because of this, the customers these days are becoming security-conscious, and thus are not willing to shop at stores that they do not think is secure.Another problem that is rising is the image issues. Online customers are not being willing to come back to a store that isn’t able to secure their data. Especially when they have other options available at their fingertips.


But the changes in E-commerce would not only be driven by the increasing security awareness and changing habits of the online customers. But rather the main driving force behind the new trends of 2018 would be the popularization of new technologies.

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