Easy tips for Weight gain for Skinny Guys

Posted by Anjali Arora
Oct 5, 2019

Weight gain is a minor issue, most people are fighting for weight loss. But for some gaining weight is as difficult as losing weight for some people. All men want a good muscular body. If you also want that then this article is for you.

First of all, choose the best diet plan for weight gain for men for yourself. Choose the diet that suits you, according to your ease. Because the chief reason why you are not gaining weight is that you are not eating right.

Follow these simple hacks that will help you in weight gain-

Start slowly-

We all want quick results, but our body doesn’t like sudden changes. So go slowly. Start increasing your diet slowly. Because adding so many calories at once can upset your stomach. So start slowly.

Increase your portion size-

It is easier to increase calories by increasing portion size. If you eat 2 chapatis then start eating 3. Start snacking on nuts that will add omega-3 in your body. Upgrade your diet chart for weight gain for male and increase portion size.

Protein supplements-

If you are lifting the weight, train hard and eat right there is no way that you can’t gain muscle mass. As long as you are getting high-quality protein from your daily diet, you don’t need any supplement.

Increase protein frequency-

Add protein as much as possible to your veg diet plan for weight gain because in veg you have limited protein sources. Take 25-40 gm of protein 3-4 times a day. You will get a positive result.

Fat is your friend!

Adding 2-3 high-fat food items in your diet would help you in gaining muscle quickly. Studies shows that having a post-workout drink with full cream milk instead of low fat milk is more beneficial. Same is with full egg instead of only white part.

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