Dr. Rajesh Subramanya reviews on Treating child's allergies

Posted by Rajesh Subramanya
Apr 25, 2020

Dr. Rajesh Subramanya says that an allergy is a reaction of the immune system to a specific substance. Our immune system responds to the allergen by releasing chemicals that trigger symptoms in the nose, lungs and throat. 

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Sneezing, Watery eyes, Stuffy nose could just be symptoms of a cold or these could be signs that your child has allergies.

Allergies can impact everything from performance in school to participating in outdoor activities such as school sports. If you suspect that your child may have allergies it’s important to talk with your pediatrician.

Dr. Rajesh Subramanya reviews on Childhood Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms can also seem a lot like a cold or other upper respiratory problems. Common symptoms associated with allergies include:

  • Watery, red, and itchy eyes

  • Itchy nose

  • Dark circles under the eyes or puffy eyelids

  • Ear pain and chronic ear problems

  • Nasal congestion

  • Facial pain and pressure

  • Headaches

  • Sneezing

  • Persistent cough

  • Chest tightness

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Dr. Rajesh Subramanya reviews on Treating allergies

Over-the-counter antihistamines can be an effective approach to controlling your child’s spring allergies - but be sure to check the label for age recommendations and be prepared for possible drowsiness. Over-the-counter eye drops can also help alleviate discomfort from itchy, watery eyes.

The treatments that are recommended will depend on the type and severity of your child’s symptoms. Most treatment plans include a variety of lifestyle changes and medication. 

Lifestyle modifications may include using a dehumidifier in your child’s bedroom, wearing glasses instead of contacts during allergy seasons, bathing immediately after being outdoors, limiting outdoor activities during high pollen counts, and keeping pets out of bedrooms (if your child suffers from pet dander allergies).

For severe or unresponsive allergies, your pediatrician may recommend immunotherapy, or allergy shots. Allergy shots may be a good option for your child when other treatment options and medications have not been successful.


Dr. Rajesh Subramanya reviews on Avoiding seasonal allergies

While there’s no cure for seasonal allergies there are several ways that caregivers can decrease allergen exposure. Among the best ways to treat seasonal allergies in children is to eliminate or at least reduce exposure to allergy triggers. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Keep windows in schools homes and cars closed on days when the pollen count is high.

  • Use air conditioning or oscillating fans to promote airflow and to keep pollen away while indoors.

  • Remove and wash clothes worn outside to keep pollen from getting indoors (since pollen can be tracked indoors on clothing).

  • Shower after outside play which can ensure pollen on skin and hair doesn’t create an allergic reaction.

  • Follow weather reports for a daily pollen count that may affect the number and severity of allergic reactions your child experiences.

  • Avoid recess sports and outside play when pollen is high.

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Read the below articles from Dr. Rajesh Subramanya MD .,


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