Do Most People Actually Buy The Products And Services They Promote To You?

Posted by Presegs Adesida
May 24, 2012
Image Hi.................

The answer may surprise you.

And that answer is many times... no.
They just get some "swipe sales copy" given to them by
the seller and out it goes to your email box with a
line about how their "good friend" has got this great
new "solve-every-possible-problem-in-your-life" product
that you just have to have now before it's never available

I know you've seen this, right?

I really like to do things differently.

I was curious about a product and after reading the
testimonials on the site from some people I respect,
I decided to personally purchase it for my own use.

Well, what I found was... it is really, really good.

That's why you got the email from me about it.

If you missed it, here's another copy. If you purchased
it, you know I'm right. If you want to take another peek
at something you may have brushed aside, read on...

Here's what it's all about...

I just bought something, and I'm so excited about it
that I thought you might want to know about it too!

FACT: You Can't Afford to Ignore Facebook

- You already know Facebook is the Largest Social Network with
over 800 million members. Your customers are using it!

- Every day Facebook users comment or press the "Like" button
more than 2 billion times.

- Facebook users post 30 billion pieces of content every month.
How much of it is about your product or service?

- A recent study by Forrester found that of U.S. adults who use
social networking sites, 96% of them are on Facebook.

As you can imagine, that's quite a "pond" just waiting for you
to build your lists of hot prospects and buyers (and that's the
main function of your marketing so you can build your
profits now and for years to come).

- - -

The great news is that there is a huge source of leads right
at your fingertips. The bad news is that most people are doing
it all wrong and not capitalizing on its massive potential.
It's time you start leveraging the most powerful social media

You already know to survive in business you must build a huge
list of ravenous prospects.

You'll discover:

- How to get automated leads and SALES 24/7

- The little-known trick to attract highly-targeted prospects who
WANT to do business with you

- A simple but powerful way to get your testimonials on autopilot
day in and day out

- How to be instantly recognized as the most sought out leader
in your industry

- The simple paragraph that creates a vibrant community of raving
fans who happily spread the word about you, your products and services

- How to stop wasting your energy and start making Marketing work
for you

- How to turn your Facebook fans into SUPER FANS, action-taking raving
fans who are eager to buy what you are selling

I'm really glad I stumbled on this Marketing treasure and bought it
for myself (I've been just "messing" with Marketing for way too long),

and I think you'll be glad too.

Take a look here:

As always, my best to you --

Presegs Adesida
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