
Posted by Angela Dondanville
Nov 22, 2016
Image I think this evening is good time to talk about Haiti. What do you know about Haiti? By the way it is the second country in New World, that gained independence from European countries. 

Because of European colonization the island of Haiti had been divided into two territories. Eastern part was property of Spain, now it is Dominican Republic, while western one was French land. After colonization of these territories about half of million black slaves had been transported on Haiti. Poor slaves usually worked on plantations of sugarcane and didn't liked this. After Revolution started in Paris, echo of it began to sound over the ocean. In 1791 year the first riot began evolving future ruler of the independent Haiti Dessalines. Shortly after center of the empire send troops on the island. After some involving they surrendered, while Dessalines became the consul of Haiti and then proclaimed himself Emperor.

By the way, in the heat of the revolution struggle former slaves decided to beat their former owners and started a massacre known as Haiti Massacre. They slaughtered almost all white people on the island leaving only a few graduated whites.

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