Common Challenges for Women With ADHD

Posted by Arthur S.
Dec 18, 2020

Women with ADHD have challenges that are no different than women without ADHD. Their lives are just as much work. There are common problems that women with ADHD face. The following paragraphs will discuss three of these common problems. 

Women with ADHD have not been well studied. More is still known about the effects it has on children than on adults. But so far, there do seem to be some commonalities between women and children with ADHD. Women with ADHD tend to be prone to obesity, eating disorders, low self-esteem, depression, and substance abuse. 

Another common symptom in women with ADHD is mood swings. Moodiness is one of the most common symptoms of ADHD, and many people who have been diagnosed with ADHD have mood swings or have trouble controlling their temper. Many women with undiagnosed ADHD also experience depression. 

Stress is another very common problem for females with ADHD. They can be very stressed at work, at home, or in social situations. Because women tend to have more symptoms of chronic stress than men, treatment can be more difficult. Chronic stress is often due to a family history of ADHD and/or the constant nature of dealing with ADHD children. 

Some of the more serious problems that females with ADHD face include substance abuse and/or addiction. Women sometimes become addicted to caffeine or sugar because they cannot control their urges to have sweets throughout the day. Or, they may become addicted to medication such as Ritalin. Women who are suffering from substance abuse problems will often need treatment in an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program before they can begin any type of medication treatment program. The use of a 12-step program is also beneficial because it allows you to have support while you are working your way through your treatment. 

Many females with undiagnosed ADHD symptoms have also had problems with eating disorders. Approximately 20 per cent of females have at some point attempted to diet or have used diet pills to lose weight. Although these diets do work, they often return to their problem if they stop dieting. Weight loss can make it easier for females to get pregnant and to remain pregnant, but there are still risks involved. It is always best to check with your doctor if you are considering any type of diet or other weight loss plans. 

Another common problem is depression or Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Depression is the most common mental illness among women diagnosed with ADHD. Women may have problems sleeping, feel sad or anxious all the time or feel overwhelmed by daily life activities. These symptoms often occur after a traumatic event such as the death of a loved one or losing a job. A number of women with ADHD are troubled by PTSD after serving in the military. Sometimes these problems are confused with symptoms of depression. 

In addition to the above-mentioned problems women with ADHD commonly have problems with substance use disorders such as cigarette smoking and/or alcohol use. Women are four times more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs than women without ADHD. Women with substance use disorders are also four times as likely as women without to report substance abuse or addiction on a regular basis. Women diagnosed with ADHD have been known to abuse prescription medications including mood-altering antidepressants such as those that contain norepinephrine. Many females with ADHD also have coexisting conditions such as hypertension and fibromyalgia. 

There are other common symptoms of ADHD, which are difficult for females with ADHD to cope with. The biggest problem is the inattentive symptoms. Females with ADHD often have difficulty sitting for long periods of time. They also often have trouble completing tasks such as homework and keeping themselves on task. Females with ADHD often exhibit high levels of activity levels and are also frequently late sleepers. 

Females diagnosed with ADHD are also commonly high strung, argumentative individuals. They tend to be highly irritable and tense. Many females with ADHD are also high-risk drivers with an increased risk of having accidents. Some of the other common symptoms of ADHD include chronic allergies to foods like wheat, dairy products and soy. Female children are also diagnosed with allergies to specific foods like corn, fish, eggs and nuts like walnuts, soy and peanuts. 

Females with untreated ADHD typically have problems with relationships and have problems with depression. Treatment for ADHD in women requires trying to identify all of the individual's problems. This is because ADHD has a wide range of different symptoms and there can be many underlying problems. Working with a trained ADHD coach or teacher can help identify the problem areas and the ways in which the treatment can be used to treat them. Women tend to have more problems with depression than do their male counterparts and this condition needs to be considered.

If you would like some further guidance and support on managing your ADHD, then you should contact your local experienced ADHD specialist for an Online ADHD assessment to improve your understanding of the disorder and to know what treatment method is fit for you or them.

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