Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Engineered Hardwood Floors Sydney

Posted by jacks liam
Oct 18, 2020

Hardwood flooring comes in various varieties and the most robust, the most versatile and the most long-lasting is the engineered hardwood floors Sydney. In this post, we will be discussing this version only and since we have discussed some qualities, it’s an obligation to state that despite being so robust ad hardcore, the engineered version too requires regular upkeep and maintenance. Only this way, you can think about successfully using it for decades and decades to come. As far as their maintenance is concerned, some really useful steps have to be taken and here in this post we have discussed a few.

What is Engineered Hard Wood Flooring?

Floors manufactured by humans using hardwood, plywood and science are called engineered hard wood flooring. The hardwood and plywood used in the process don’t have any layer whatsoever and because of this reason, the engineered hard wood flooring comes out as a really robust construction.

Cleaning Engineered Hardwood Floors Sydney?

According to the experts, just like any other hardwood timber flooring, this variant is also not immune to dirt, dust, debris or time and therefore, the following steps have to be taken.

·       Sweeping Regularly

·       Damp-Mop for Cleaning

·       Clean the Spills Quickly

·       Protect It from UV Rays

·       Occasional Deep Cleaning

·       Take Care of Scratches at Initial

·       Keep the Pet Toenails Trimmed

·       Keep the Mat and Rug at Entries

Let Us Have An Elaborated Look At Some Of The Steps Or Methods Discussed Above.

Sweeping Regularly

It is very important that any kind of hardwood timber flooring is cleaned on a regular basis using sweeping process. This step will give users, an opportunity to set the entire area free from any dust, dirt, pet hair and other debris that can influence the shine or its quality negatively. Regarding this, experts recommend using a soft bristled, lightweight broom or a vacuum cleaner to set the floor free from dust. The frequency of this sweeping has to be determined by assessing the amount of foot traffic experienced by engineered hardwood floors Sydney.

Damp-Mop for Cleaning

Once sweeping is done, the user should not skip wet mopping of hard wood floors, as this will set it free from stubborn dust, stains, if there are any and so on. In this regards, one recommendation is same as the brooming that the frequency of mopping should actually depend upon the foot traffic present there.

Note - Never use wet mop and always rely upon damp mop because wet mop can very soon snatch away the shine of engineered hardwood floors Sydney.

Clean the Spills Quickly

In terms of handling accidental spills and moisture cause by them, engineered hardwood floors Sydney are way better than other variants of hardwood timber flooring. But this does mean that you can leave the spills unattended and you should actually remove them as soon as possible. You need to keep in mind that despite being engineered, they are after all, made from wood that has moisture or dampness, as its number 1 foe. Hence, setting it free from moisture or spills immediately is a rule to be remembered all the time.
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