Posted by Sammy Mwaniki
May 18, 2024

Sometimes, life's expectations veer off path.

The responsibility of failure squarely falls on the victim of the said failure, in this case, yours truly, me.

For me success was never about proving my worth to anyone. It has always been first and foremost those to whom I owe certain obligations e.g. my children, my bills e.t.c. and finally far down the list is where my own issues appear.

Many a time, I have managed to surpass my expectations excelling way further than I was supposed to. In other times everything was reduced to good intentions and failed promises.

Can't win them all, that's life. You win some, you lose some.

At the beginning of the year I almost lost my mind trying to find a way to raise my son's form one (High School's) requirements. With the help of a few strangers turned friends, I accomplished not just the entry but close to the whole year's fee.

And yah, I invested a little in what I believe will eventually bail me out of my seemingly self-dug pit.

So, here I am yet again. Needy, ............ needy yes! For much less than I did a few months ago but stressed to the bone. A son who needs to go back to school and a few little things here and there.

For that, I desperately need your help.

For those who keep asking how one fails to prepare for childbirth yet a pregnancy takes a whole nine months, for the mockers, the judge-mental ones and the likes, this one is not for you. You are yet to learn what life is all about.

For anyone who can,

my number is +254725263678 (SENDWAVE or MPESA)

My Paypal and Skrill accounts the address is

Thanks for your time and hope this turns out well.


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