An investor with a purpose

Posted by Guy Freiburghaus
Jan 30, 2020

People get into business for different reasons. There are those who join the club of investors simply because they don’t have anything else to do. Some people become businessmen and women because they are tired of being employed while others do it because their friends are doing it. 

Although all these people can try investment and still become successful, they might easily give up in case the business takes longer to pick up than they expected. This is because; they started without a well worked out plan on how to go about it. This is where hiring a Mentor for small business owners become vital.  

A Mentor for small business owners makes the transition from self-employed to a successful business person swift and smooth. Without proper guidance, many people start up as successful business people but end up losing their focus and their investment within a very short time. Success in business call for commitment and passion and at the same time, it calls for knowledge. 

It is acceptable that you started the business ignorantly but remaining under the same ignorance is never acceptable. Whether your business is working out perfectly or not, you will somewhere need the contribution of a Mentor for small business owners

Tips of success as an SME 

Succeeding in business as a Small or Medium Enterprise is not easy. According to mentors for small business owners, there are a few things that one needs to do to see their businesses grow. These tips include; 

a) Know when to say no

They say ‘when the deal is so good, think twice’. As an entrepreneur, you must know when to take an action and when to say no. when your business is working out so well, you will receive different offers from others investors as well. Some will offer to form a partnership with you while others might promise to give you financial support. Although this might initially look as a very good deal, you need to think twice before jumping into the deal. 

b) Spend less than your earning

According to Mentor for small business owners, although transiting from self-employed to a successful business person, might seem a very difficult move, with discipline, it’s very possible. One thing that you should learn to do is to save more than your business earns. This means, you must save almost every coin that gets into your hand. 

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