Advantages of Using Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (Aac) Blocks in Construction

Posted by Sonali S.
Apr 23, 2019

From decades there is a lot of research going on in the construction industry; People are trying to find alternatives to traditional material and technology used in construction to expand the use of non-harmful but beneficial material and advanced technology.

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) blocks are one of the best alternatives to red bricks.


What is AAC?


AAC has a lot in common with regular concrete but AAC excludes all the aggregate larger than sand. Quartz sand, calcite gypsum, lime (mineral) or cement and water are used as a binding agent.

AAC differs from traditional concrete because it includes Aluminium powder. Aluminum powder is used at a rate of 0.05%–0.08% depending on volume and density. While mixing all this material, water reacts with dry aluminum powder and produces hydrogen gas. This gas cause bubbles in the mixture. They remain fixed in the place as the AAC dries. this results in the lightweight AAC blocks.

 In some countries, like India and China, fly ash generated from coal fire plants having silica content is used as an aggregate.

There is a huge increase in the worldwide demand for AAC Manufacturing plants. AAC is known as Eco-friendly green material. Most of the builders are recommending AAC nowadays.

The methodology of AAC Manufacturing Plants reduced energy consumption by minimizing some factors like heating and cooling.


Advantages of using Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) blocks in the Construction


AAC blocks or material system is integrated with structural components can be used for load-bearing and non-bearing application as advised by structural engineers. AAC blocks can be assembled with the minimum waste, lightweight and most importantly it is nontoxic green material with the low production cost.


1.   Fire Resistant and  in natural disaster

AAC is non-combustible; the use of AAC blocks eliminates the cost of additional fireproofing material. It does not emit toxic gases when exposed to the fire.

AAC material is suggested for the high-risk earthquake areas. AAC withstand the fire and earthquakes and the chances of losses and damages are less when compared to other material used in construction.


2.   High Thermal Efficiency

AAC is considered as the sustainable construction material because of its excellent insulating quality. An AAC block minimizes changes in uncontrolled air and helps in maintaining the desired temperature indoors.

The solid wall construction of AAC structure creates airtight building envelope and maintains indoor temperature over 24 hours.


3.   Moisture and Mortar

The drying Shrinkage i.e. Moisture movement of the mortar is avoided in the AAC masonry construction. AAC ensures even distribution of mortar and saves energy, water, and labor.


4.  Improves Indoor Air Quality and reduces noise pollution

Use of AAC in construction is very useful in reducing noise pollution. The additional quality of AAC is it can reduce and absorb noise and maintain indoor air quality.

Millions of independent air cells in AAC blocks reduces sound transmission. AAC blocks have excellent sound insulation and absorption qualities.


5.   Use of AAC is very economic.

The production cost of AAC blocks is less than other materials; also the bigger size of AAC blocks saves time and labor. Due to the thermal efficiency of AAC blocks the cost of energy is low. Also, maintenance cost is negligible and loss during the construction is less compared to normal red bricks.


6.   Eco-friendly green material

In the manufacturing clay bricks, the quality soil is depleted and natural resources are eroded. It results in major soil erosion and ecological imbalance.

But in the production of AAC block, AAC manufacturing plants use fly ash which is waste material generated by thermal power stations.

Use of industrial waste material in production the way is beneficial and on the other hand, natural resources will be saved in every sense.

AAC blocks or bricks are truly green material.


7.  Structural strength

The contraction capacity of AAC blocks is very good, although it is one-fifth of the density of normal concrete, they are lighter than normal bricks. It is easy and cheap to transport them. It reduces overall dead load on the building, therefore extremely useful for tall buildings; it also reduces the mass of the structure and decreases the impact of earthquake.


AAC blocks are more convenient and effective than traditional concrete blocks; the nature of the blocks facilitates breathability, non-toxic atmosphere. It is ideal for residential as well as commercial projects. Considering environmental impact Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a better choice for the building as well as the environment.

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