Advantages of Combine Harvester in Agriculture

Posted by FIELD KING
Apr 28, 2021

Harvesting is the final step in farming which is done to get the crop or grains out of farms. Its a basic practice in farming although for grain farmers harvesting can be a big challenge sometimes, due to the shortage of labor or natural calamities. Other reasons can be machinery breakdown or increase on wages in the country.


Due to the increasing mechanization in the agriculture industry lots of people are also migrating to the other industrial sectors for their livelihood. This is also one of the reasons of shortage of labor. Harvesting is a labor-intensive farming activity that needs lots of backbreaking hard work which also makes it a challenge for some farmers.


This is where a Combine Harvester comes in picture. Since the invention its quite popular among the large scale farmers and especially those in grain farming. Its technology allows them to complete all three steps of harvesting like reaping, threshing and cleaning in a single operation.


This entirely mechanized harvesting farm equipment has replaced the traditional method that used to be completed by human labor with sickles in weeks’ time. The key advantage of this mechanized harvesting with a combine harvester is that it not only reduces the harvesting costs but also improves farmers’ efficiency.

However a farmer also needs training to operate a combine harvester machine. The use of this a modern combine machine also can impact the economic conditions of contract labour who work on farm, as it replaces all the work. Here we have mentioned the positive impacts or advantage of a Combine Harvesters –

·         It helps farmers if labor shortage is an issue.

  • ·         Combine harvester provides cleaner grains by effectively separating weeds from grain which sometimes are left in manual harvesting method.
  • ·         The fields can be prepared easily in shorter time for sowing the next crop.
  • ·         Farmers can save the total cost of harvesting from cutting to winnowing.
  • ·         It reduces dependency on the human labour.
  • ·         Saves crops from getting damaged by natural disasters.

Combine Harvester Price

Combine harvester being versatile machinery and suitability to harvest multiple types of grains, are usually high in cost. Thus farmers first should be sure about its workability and usability on his field. For grain farmers a multi-crop harvester undoubtedly a great equipment to invest, to get the most out of their field and increasing in the productivity with efficiency.

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