Absorbent Underwear – A Recommended Way To Fight With Incontinence

Posted by Wellness Briefs
Apr 7, 2016
It is quite common for senior citizens to face the issues of leaking urine unknowingly, or knowingly. Also, their caretakers are well acquainted with the problems that the elderly and others with incontinence related issues have to go through on a day-to-day basis. Even though the dilemma of poor functioning of the human body at an older age is completely understandable, it still is a cause of embarrassment to such people.

It is quite natural that the elderly start preferring lesser social interactions when they have to deal with such situations in life. But then, they need not worry anymore and go for absorbent underwear to keep the embarrassments caused by such leakage problems at bay.

Incontinence – What is it?

Leaking urine is a recognized medical condition that is known as ‘incontinence’. Reputed medical associations would describe incontinence as the loss of bladder control that is particularly observed in the elderly people, after they attain a certain age. The problems related to incontinence depends on its level of severity. Leaking urine on nominal sneezes, or the sudden urge to urinate before reaching the washroom in time, can indicate the persistence of incontinence.

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