About Navaratna Jewelry Only A Handful Of People Know.

Posted by Pallavi Singh
Nov 13, 2018

Navaratna jewelry is getting more attention these days because of its stylish looks and astrological benefits.  If wearing astrological remedies, one can wear gemstone jewelry based their horoscope which encompasses nine stones that represent the nine planets. As you know this refers to the nine gemstones related to the nine planets used in Vedic astrology.  It considered auspicious and believed to bring good health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind to whoever wears it.

Navaratna ornaments can come in the form of a necklace, rings, bracelets, anklets, pendants, bangles, armlets, and other cufflinks. These gemstones have their planetary meaning and therapeutic relevance.

  • Ruby: Sun

It brings health, wisdom, wealth and love.

  • Pearl: Moon

It brings strength to hearts.

  • Red Coral: Mars

It brings courage and cure of blood-related disease.

  • Emerald: Mercury

It Protects from illnesses, physical danger, and evil.

  • Yellow Sapphire: Jupiter

It brings Success in career and stability in love life.

  • Diamond: Venus

It brings name, fame, and creativity.

  • Blue sapphire: Saturn

Wisdom and purity, and protects from evil effects of Saturn.

  • Hessonite or Garnet: “Rahu” the ascending lunar node

Fulfills ambitions, improves a social relationship and protects from sudden misfortune.

  • Cat’s Eye: “Ketu” the descending lunar node

It Protects from enemies, mysterious dangers and disease.

It is an also known fact that while the planets positions keep on changing. According to astrology, any harmful or negative energies of the planets can be balanced by the positive and beneficial effects of the planets when wearing Navaratna jewelry because it brings good luck, wealth, love and health. This type of ornaments can be worn by anyone and doesn’t have any negative effects. It suits everyone, regardless of their zodiac sign, and can be worn even without the recommendation from an astrologer. The piece you choose should preferably be made of gold or silver. These types of jewelry are believed to act as a protection against various disease and danger. When an only astrological gemstone is worn by you, it tends to focus only on a particular planet or a specific problem. However when worn navratna rings or jewelry, it carries the benefits of all nine planetary gemstones simultaneously. The jewelry can be made with precious gemstones.  When go for buying navratna or any precious gems make sure that the stones being used in the ornament are flawless. It is also advisable to wear the ornament after cleaning and charging with mantras. You can wear one the jewelry before sunrise or any auspicious day at a temple. You should wear navratna ring designs  the correct way Such as blue sapphire gem worn as pointing towards the body and on the ring finger. Women can wear the ring on the left ring finger while males on the right ring finger.

So finally, a navratna jewelry can be donned by anybody male or female and or any age group without even consulting any astrologer and without worrying about any adverse effect. So, this makes navratna piece a very good gifting option for all kinds of life occasions.

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