8 Tips When Moving Into New Home

Posted by Demi Stanley
Feb 16, 2017

Definitely moving to a new house is very exciting, but it can be also very stressful. However, if you follow a few tips you can build a plan for the whole removal. This will ensure a smooth and easy home relocation.

1. Are you sure you want to do it all alone? Think what is within your power and what is not. If you can not deal with all the furniture, it's better to organise all relatives or simply call local professional movers. It is good to rely on someone for help! Make a list with all the items you will move and those, left to the moving company. The faster it gets, the fewer expenses you will have.


2. Plan the unpack before packing! Take photos of each room in your new home before you arrive with all furniture, appliances, plants. Write down where every part of your old home will go in the new house. It's convenient to mark which things are with priority. Large furniture, for example, must be placed firstly. You would not believe how much time you will save. Moving into a new home will be much easier if you make a good organisation.

3. Be responsible when leaving your old property. It is definitely quite emotional. Start early with the organisation. Even it remains more than a month, it will be much easier if you start packing all cabinets in advance. Remember, you might have gathered things for years, but you have to move for only a week or month. Sort all your belongings. Consider donate them to someone in need. Give other things to friends. Everything that can't be used, has to be put right in the trash.

4. Moving is not child's game, especially if you have children. Consider a babysitter or a friend to look after them. If it's not possible, find a special place in your new home, where your child won't be alone, but at the same will not bother you and put his safety at risk. This will help everyone.

5. It is the same with pets. You can certainly ask someone you know or a friend to watch the cat or dog. Packaging, continuous in and out of people, especially strangers, can be very stressful for the animals!

Relocating pets

6. Definitely, when disassembling furniture and equipment, you will have screws, nuts and little particles of different items. Distribute them in bags and label them. One option is to stick firmly to anything to which they belong. The other option is to put all labelled envelopes in a box.

7. Take photos of the wiring. Televisions, DVDs, computers and other devices use cables for connection between various components. Making photos of the position of all cables will not take so long, but it will save you headaches, especially when entering the new home. Put all wires in boxes or envelopes to know which cable to which appliance is.


8. Consider the full insurance of the property. Whether you carry your belongings by yourself, rely on professional service or just have things that are easily damaged, it's recommended to choose an insurance. Thus, whatever happens during the move, insurers will pay the entire cost of the damage. Get quotes from several insurance companies and decide which one suits you the most.

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