7 Myths About Mommy Makeovers That Are Worth Knowing

Posted by Eternelle Aesthetics
May 24, 2024

Many mothers feel self-conscious about the physical changes in their bodies. These changes include saggy breasts, stretched skin, and stubborn fat pockets. A mommy makeover is a combination of procedures that can effectively address these issues and help women restore their pre-pregnancy bodies. However, several myths about mommy makeovers can prevent mothers from considering this procedure. In this blog post, Dr. Maalavika Appasani, the best cosmetic gynaecologist in Hyderabad, will clear some of the common myths about a mommy makeover surgery. 

Myth 1. A Mommy Makeover is Suitable For Mothers Who Have Had Multiple Children

Another common myth about mommy makeovers is that it is only for children with multiple children. Multiple children can indeed worsen physical changes such as stretched skin and sagging breasts. However, these changes can also occur with just one pregnancy. Regardless of the number of children, the hormonal and physical changes that take place during pregnancy can have a significant impact on a woman's body. A mommy makeover can address these changes and help mothers with one child, like mothers with multiple children. 

Myth 2. A Mommy Makeover is Only For Celebrities 

One of the biggest myths about a mommy makeover is that it is only for celebrities. Many individuals assume that famous women can undergo this procedure. However, this is not the truth. Any woman who wants to enhance her post-pregnancy figure might consider a "mummy makeover." Everyone can benefit from a mommy makeover, whether they are stay-at-home moms or working women. Any mother who wants to improve the appearance of their breasts, tummy, waistline, or vagina can get the best mommy makeover in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics. 

Myth 3. Mommy Makeover is Only For Women Who Have Gained Significant Weight During Pregnancy 

Some women believe that only mothers who have gained much weight during pregnancy can benefit from a mommy makeover. However, this is not true. Several physical changes occur during pregnancy, such as stretched skin and sagging breasts, which can occur regardless of weight gain. A mommy makeover can effectively address these changes and help mothers who have not gained a lot of weight during pregnancy improve their post-pregnancy bodies. 

Myth 4. Mommy Makeover is Quick and Easy

While the surgeon does their best to make the procedure simple and effective for patients, a mommy makeover is not a quick fix. Instead, it involves several procedures being performed over a short period. The surgeon will work with the patient on the recovery process and procedure timing. While the results of a mommy makeover are exceptional, do not expect one visit. 

Myth 5. Mommy Makeover Leaves A lot of Scarring 

Sometimes, patients believe that because a mommy makeover involves several procedures, there must be a significant risk of scarring. Although some procedures are more likely to leave scars than others, a skilled surgeon will make the least noticeable incisions possible. Moreover, the scars are concealed behind clothing.

Myth 6. The Recovery Period Will Be Painful

Recovering from any medical procedure is difficult. However, having a mommy makeover significantly shortens the recovery process because the surgeon performs many cosmetic surgeries at once rather than one at a time.

Myth 7. Mommy Makeover Come With A Lot of Risks

Many women hesitate to consider a mommy makeover due to fears of the procedure being dangerous or of any risks associated with it. However, this is not at all true. Safety precautions are taken during a mommy makeover, like any other surgical procedure. It is best to consult a leading surgeon who can explain any risks associated with the procedure and how one can minimize those. One should also understand that all surgical procedures have some risk. However, the surgeon advises medications to minimize any chances of risk.

Visit Eternelle Aesthetics To Benefit From Mommy Makeover 

If one is considering a mommy makeover surgery, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Maalavika Appasani, the best cosmetic gynaecologist in Hyderabad, at Eternelle Aesthetics. 

She has extensive experience and specializes in mommy makeover procedures. Moreover, she specialises in performing other procedures such as vaginoplasty, hymenoplasty, labiaplasty, labial fillers, and many more at the clinic. 

To benefit from a mommy makeover, or any other procedure, visit Eternelle Aesthetics now! 

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