5 ways a Toll-Free Number improves customer experience

Posted by Niraj Kumar
Mar 4, 2021

In today’s time, having a stellar product isn’t enough. It is imperative that businesses extend their quality to their customer service. In the variety of options to choose from, customers often go for businesses that provide a quick and enhanced customer experience. Indeed, providing an unparalleled customer experience becomes the differentiating factor.

With technological advancements, businesses have moved from traditional phone numbers to Toll-Free numbers. Toll-Free Numbers enhance the customer experience in many ways. Before we dive deeper into the many ways they do, let's look at what exactly is a Toll-Free Number?

With a toll free number starting 1800, customers can call a business for free. The cost for a toll free call is borne by the called party, which is the toll-free subscriber, and not the calling party (customers). 

Businesses that deploy a Toll-free number fully understand that it’s an uncomparable asset when it comes to providing a stellar customer experience. In the last few years, having a toll-free number has become synonymous to being customer friendly and innovative. It does more than you think you can - increase sales and revenue

Here is why having a Toll-free number is indispensable as a business number however your size is-

  1. Look Credible

The businesses of today don’t rely as much on having a physical presence in the most elite of work complexes in the city and often operate from their home’s basement or a garage. But is it something that they would want their customers to know? Through extending a Toll-Free number to prospects and clients, businesses can maintain a credible image in the minds of their customers. Having a toll-free number makes businesses look professional and trustworthy. Through its ease of use and implementation, any business can boost its credibility almost instantly. 

  1. Improve Customer Satisfaction

One of the earliest reasons for businesses to take up a Toll-free Number for businesses was to improve customer satisfaction. With a Toll-free number, customers can easily reach you and not worry about incurring a cost while they may be already distressed. Businesses that give a toll-free number to customers to answer queries cement further the idea that they care about customers and their grievances. With a toll-free number, customers can reach businesses anytime and don’t need to struggle to find an agent. By making customers reach businesses easily, customer satisfaction and retention automatically goes up. 

  1. Unify your Image

In the post-pandemic stricken world, businesses can work remotely but they can’t afford to portray the image of their customer care team working from different places. Through the various features a Toll-Free Number offers, one is that the customer support team of businesses can work from anywhere by getting calls forwarded to their numbers. Regardless of wherever the customer support team is working from or the device/phone number they are using, a Toll-Free number in uncertain times such as now, aids businesses retain the trust their customers have without having to make their customer support team work from an office space. 

  1. Calculate ROI on marketing campaigns

A Toll-free number can extend its usage by acting as a marketing tool too. Businesses advertise their products through various channels - from print campaigns, social media to search campaigns. Toll-free numbers allow businesses to get extensions for channels which allows them to track efforts on their marketing campaigns. Through detailed records and call analysis, businesses can figure out which marketing channels work best for them. Even small businesses can calculate ROI on marketing campaigns without breaking the bank. For other marketing activities like conducting surveys, launching new products and getting instant customer feedback, use a toll free number. 

  1. Tap New Businesses 

A Toll-Free number ensures more reach for business without investing in onsite infrastructure. Businesses can get leads from various places and increase revenue overall by making sure that their services/products aren’t bound by their physical address. In the globalized world of today, businesses are able to reach leads that they couldn’t before. 

However the type, size or industry, all organisations can benefit from having a toll-free number. Providing superior customer service and supporting the sales team is vital to business survival. 

Even before the advent of Interwebs, a toll-free number could do more than connect to current and prospective customers. From modern industries like E-Commerce, SaaS  to traditional industries like BFSI, Healthcare, the value of having a Toll-Free number is unparalleled. At the end of a day, for a business to truly sustain and flourish, assuring the customer that there’s a person at the other end of the line that truly wants to solve their problems.

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