5 uses of knee caps

Posted by Pankaj Singh gusain
Aug 3, 2018

Your knees are one of the most used yet one of the most ignored parts of the body. Each and every outdoor sport played by man requires an immense pressure on the knees, with constant movement, bending and sometimes even a direct trauma. Goalkeepers in games such as Football and Hockey have to take the entire pressure of the ball on their knees directly. All our lives we use our knees for all the activities such as climbing stairs, running and even the most trivial of things such as walking.

What we basically refer to as our knees are basically our kneecaps (patellae) that protect the hinge joint joining our thigh bone (femur) and shin(tibia) and is most prone to injuries because of its exposed external  location  and the two most common Injuries to patella are :-

Ø  Knee cap Fracture: A kneecap fracture usually occurs in case of direct trauma to the knee. It is generally treated with surgery unless damage to the extensor mechanism (bending of knee) is minimal.  Kneecap fracture  is generally categorized by the following symptoms:-

·         Inflammation or swelling in the knee region with immense pain

·         Bleeding into the joint : This occurs when a blood vessel or vein near the knee region  bursts due to immense trauma and blood flow doesn’t stop

·         Inability to extend the knee even into its usual positions  and attempts to do so result in blinding pain

Ø  Knee cap Dislocation:  A kneecap dislocation is most often characterized by the lateral sliding of the patella out of its position on the knee and is seen commonly in case of female athletes .They are easily recognized by extreme pain and swelling in the knee region.

Here is a list of activities that can be made easier and more pain-free with the help of a kneecap:-

1.     Aerobics: Who doesn’t love Exercising to music; it provides relaxation to the mind as well as makes the body fit. However, Aerobic exercises require immense use of the knees and if the knees are paining, a knee cap provides enough relief, so that you can maintain your regimen of exercises every day.

2.      Jogging: If you are looking forward to starting a fitness routine, such as jogging , direct trauma to the knees might keep you home for days. In case you fall over, a kneecap with patellar ring is going to protect your knees as well as provide compression to keep the blood flow going

3.      Trekking: A love for the hills combined with the pleasure of hiking, trekking is one thing that everyone wants to check off their bucket list. There is a high chance of knee injury while enjoying a trek. A kneecap allows enough movement as well as external shielding so that you don’t stop before every mountain is conquered.

4.       Sports:  Sports such as Gymnastics, Volleyball, and Cricket have players wearing kneecaps as they provide support to the knee, allows torn ligaments to heal as well as increase blood flow.

5.       Gymming : If you want to join the gym, either for losing weight or for lifting them, there is a lot of pressure on your knees in exercises for either purpose, if you lift heavy weights, you might feel some pain in your leg, wearing a kneecap can avoid this problem altogether.

 A knee cap is an orthopedic device that is used to compress the kneecaps in case of joint pain, osteoarthritis and to allow the ligament to heal. Now Lifeshield kneecaps come in a variety of types based on the needs of the wearer:-

1.       Kneecap: If there is a need for a simple compression in the knees to alleviate joint pain without reducing movement, to avoid injury and to increase blood flow by applying pressure, a simple tubular kneecap such as Lifeshield Kneecap will be sufficient enough to solve your problems.

2.       Kneecap with gel sheet: If your physician advises you to apply hot or cold pack treatment on your kneecap, then Lifeshield kneecap with gel sheet contains gel which can be heated or cooled according to your need and does the job of a regular kneecap pretty well along with an additional layer of protection to your precious knees.

3.       Kneecap with patellar ring (oval): In case of an internal injury to the knee where it is necessary to apply compression as well as keep the patellar immobilized in its place , then Lifeshield Kneecap with patellar ring(oval) is the best product for your use. It is also highly useful in reducing Osteoarthritis.

4.       Kneecap with patellar ring (round): If you have suffered external injury to your skin as well as internal injury to your kneecap, Lifeshield Kneecap with patellar ring(round) allows your skin to breathe with a round opening while at the same time holding your kneecap in its natural position.

5.       Patellar support: In order to simply keep the patellar in its place without the need for compression or in case of post operative care of the knee, Lifeshield patellar support is a product many users swear by 

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