5 Tips to Help You Cut Wedding Photography Costs

Posted by Nirmal Patel
Dec 18, 2017

Any loving couples that plans on a wedding would love to sink their teeth into an endless pit of funds, but that’s far-fetched from the reality of wedding expenses. Many people spend half of their lives clearing their borrowed funds for an elaborate wedding occasion. Say what you may, it is your wedding day, the day that matters a lot to your new life journey as a partner. Spending a good amount for a day you will remember is not a bad idea. In fact, saving money while celebrating your royal wedding is not bad either. You can now cut your cake and keep it in the fridge. Wedding storytellers, better known for as the best wedding photography in Mumbai, can lay down a few tips for you to help cut down wedding photography costs.

Hot Tips from Wedding Story Tellers:-

1.      Only opt for what you want:

  •      Not all the coverage of your wedding day needs to be captured. You can sit down and decide with the photographers for wedding shoots and photos, as to how much of the celebration you wish to capture? Can you skip away some pre-wedding festivity pictures?


2.      Go for a package deal:

  •       When you choose a package deal with a Wedding Photographer in Mumbai, you can get great discounts and slash back packages. You can also combine your deal with pre-wedding shoots and video documentation that will benefit from one vendor contact.


3.      Keep your Album very simple

  •       There is a famous quote that goes “Never judge a book by its cover.” True to its meaning a photo album that has a leather binding is enough, you need not go for a gold edging and all that jazz. Simply, keep your album pattern simple and neat.


4.      Pick  Local Talent:

  •       You do not need to hire some fancy photographer from another country or a far-off land. Companies like wedding storytellers are much more advanced with the latest technology being incorporated. A local option eliminates unwanted transportation charges for the photographer and his equipment.


5.      Make early bookings:

  •      Wedding photographers offer discounted rates, if booked much in advance. Most of us plan our wedding way ahead of time and booking your photographer in advance, can slash the prices down to a minimum. Also, seasonal changes can hike the prices, so booking in advance allows you to negotiate prices during hikes. It is advisable to pay the full payment in advance to maintain the desired price.

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