5 Reasons Why Is Speaking Important in English Learning

Posted by Rudra Prakash
Jul 4, 2022

People spend too much of their time studying grammar and memorising lists of words rather than really putting what they have learned into practice. Anyone who has moved away from home to learn English or to work or travel to another country can tell how fast their English skills develop. While studying the written language is still vital, especially for improving grammar and expanding your vocabulary, learning a perfect English speaking course is still the most effective way to learn.

When you are surrounded by individuals who don’t speak your native language, you have little choice but to face your fears of making mistakes, being shy, or sounding foolish- all of which obstruct your language acquisition. Forcing yourself to speak the language helps you overcome your fears, realise that English speakers don’t mind if you make mistakes, and reach out to practise your language skills in a real-world setting.  

Speaking to other people in English and listening to them talk in English increases your confidence in your own talents and eliminates any worries you may have. So, it’s a confidence booster, but there are many more ways to improve your English skills quickly by speaking the language.


At the best spoken English classes online, we believe that communicating is the most exciting aspect of learning a new language– it’s the actual reason we fall in love with languages in the first place because we want to communicate with anybody, from anywhere in the world. It’s actually wonderful when you have enough skills under your belt to open your mouth and converse with others in the language. Trying to keep up with the speed of the words and sentence structures you are not used to, slang phrases and accents- the challenge and excitement can be very motivating when speaking to individuals in their native language.

Better communication skills

It can be difficult to completely recreate the communication aspect of learning a language when studying alone at home. A language is a tool for communication, and this is an essential aspect of the learning process. Listening and speaking in English will improve practical communication skills in a way that textbook learning will not, which is why some best spoken English classes offer both group and individual courses online.  

Improve fluency

When speaking with an English speaker, you must be able to recall everything you have studied so far in your perfect online English speaking classes at a moment’s notice. Speaking a language helps in the transfer of knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation from the back of your mind to the front, or from your ‘slow memory’ to your ‘fast memory’. This will increase your fluency and memory over time.

You can learn from your mistakes

Speaking English aloud might help you identify your weakness in grammar and vocabulary. When you are talking to someone and you are having trouble finishing a sentence or understanding what they're saying, it instantly shows you what you know and doesn’t know, where you are right and where you need to improve. You can learn from your mistakes, and chatting with your online teachers about perfect English speaking courses is frequently the quickest method to do so. They can point out where you are doing wrong and help you develop faster. 

Better opportunities

It’s not just vital for your language studies to get out there and express what you have learned; it’s also important for you as a human being! Making new acquaintances and opening up new opportunities to travel, work, vacation, and even find love- learning a new language opens doors in unexpected ways. Going to an English speaking country and not knowing the language isolates you, therefore never be hesitant to reach out and communicate. Communication allows us to grow as people, while also expanding our vocabularies!

So, don’t be afraid to speak in English because of your fear of making mistakes. Until and unless you will not communicate in English, you will not be able to rectify your errors and bring that fluency into your communication. You can also enrol in one of the best spoken English classes online in India where you will get a lot of help from highly-qualified teachers. I hope, by reading this article you will feel encouraged enough to converse in English.

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