5 Common Ways to Prevent Wrinkles and Anti-Ageing Effect

Posted by John S.
Nov 18, 2019
Ageing is a natural phenomenon and it cannot be prevented unless you are doing some plastic surgery on your face. Surgeries has its own pros and cons, so before going for any type of skincare treatment like anti-ageing you should consider temporary alternatives like Wrinkle Remover Skin tightening Cream which may help you look younger.

With the ageing, your skin gets thinner and loses moisture quickly which makes it wrinkle-prone. Ageing and wrinkle formation is a genetic factor. So you cannot rid of it, but can be avoided to some extent. 

What do you need to do?

1. Protect yourself from the sun

We all know that excessive exposure to sunlight may have a damaging effect on your skin. It leads to premature ageing and wrinkles. Under the suns exposure, our skin starts producing excessive melanin which leads to tanning. So use a sunscreen with SPF of between 30 and 50 every day, even when its a cloudy day, because UV rays still can penetrate from the sky. You can also wear long caps which can protect you from Sunlight.

2. Use a Retinoids

Retinoids are derived from vitamin A. This is the most studied anti-ageing ingredients which increase collagen production and plumps up the skin. It also promotes skin regeneration and helps improve the texture of the skin. There are 5 retinoids which are available in creams and gels that help you avoid peeling. 

3. Moisturizer

Moisturisers help you nourish the skin. It acts as a water for the skin which hydrates it. The older you go the skin starts losing more water. Which make it prone to wrinkles.
Moisturisers contain hyaluronic acid and vitamin C which are effective for maintaining water in the cells and keep it soft.

4. Drink plenty of water

Water is the lifeline of our body. It helps in digestion and flushes the excessive waster generated inside the body. Besides flushing, it keeps the body temperature under control hydrate from inside. Higher water input makes the skin look radiant and healthy. It boosts skin elasticity and corrects cell damage. 

5. Don't smoke or Consume alcohol

Tobacco kills the cells and damages collagen and elastin fibres that provide elasticity to our skin. It stops the production of new cells which replaces the dead and older cells. Routine cigarettes cause blood vessels to constrict and oxygen supply to the cells, which leads to premature wrinkles and affects the blood circulation. If you are a smoker and want to quit then use anti-smoking quit addiction filters. which help you against addiction.  

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