- My first blog posting for my Power Malls

Posted by Bob Watkins
Jul 3, 2007

My name is Bob Watkins and this is my first entry on the Apsense blogs relating to my Power Mall business. I have not created serveral groups on Google and and Yahoo to spin up some attention.

Click to join mypowermalls

My Power Mall is a Free Online Mall that is built to help the creator Change the World Through the Power of Online Spending. Click here and check out the movie the have prepared to understand the plan.

I am really looking forward to linking to the rest of you here and growing my network. I am a MyLink500 Contributor on the LinkedIn network. I have 500+ on my first teir and 3,000,000+ in my third degree of inferred contacts! If you are interested in linking there, please Join me at and request an invitation.

I am an Open Networker and value every person with whom I can link and open a dialog. Sharing is the true blessing of this informational age.

Thanks and I hope you request a link in Apsense or in any of my other networking spaces...

Bob Watkins
Comments (1)

Hi Bob, My name is Sharon, and I am putting together 2 very large coop ad advertise MPM. They will be very inexpensive, but lucrative. If you are interested email me at and I will send you all the info. It doesn't matter whose group you are in, you can still join. You can also share this with your upline and downline once you check it out.

Aug 18, 2007 Like it
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