What is it specifically you wish to publish and where?
You say a site, to me that means a website so I recommend
if it is a website to download NVU a free editor that is great
and easy to use. This will help you with any HTML you need
for blogs, websites, abc whichever. It means you do not have
to learn HTML at all which is really great for someone like me,lol.
what site do you want to publish? Your ABC? You can do that by clicking on Business Centers tab at the top and then create my business center near the top of the page.
Comments (3)
Chris R
Hi Santoso,
There is lots of help here but you do need to be more specific as to what you want to publish and where.
Tell us and there will be many helping hands.
As Lisa your are welcome to PM me
Trade in Thailand
Lisa Lomas
Hello Santoso,
What is it specifically you wish to publish and where?
You say a site, to me that means a website so I recommend
if it is a website to download NVU a free editor that is great
and easy to use. This will help you with any HTML you need
for blogs, websites, abc whichever. It means you do not have
to learn HTML at all which is really great for someone like me,lol.
You welcome to pm me.
Mark Hultgren
Wordpress Specialist
what site do you want to publish? Your ABC? You can do that by clicking on Business Centers tab at the top and then create my business center near the top of the page.