Help Apsense... Help You... Help Each Other!

Posted by Kristian H.
May 31, 2007
Hi Apsensers! Help Apsense, Help You. While we, the Apsense team, are doing our best to build the #1 Business Social Networking site, that will help anyone with their business, we cannot do it alone. So here are a few things that all Apsensers can do to help us build a Business Social Network site that we ALL can be proud of. Do your part by... 1) Help us keep the SPAM comments off our group message boards subjects and blogs. Anyone can do this by simply clicking on "Report Unrelated Comment" link next to the comments that are commonly SPAM or just unrelated to the subject. To keep advice, discussions, and helpful information at it's highest quality, we should all do our part to remove SPAM and unrelated comments. Note: Once a comment is reported 3 times, it will be removed. 2) The more users that join Apsense, means the more users are avaliable for everyone to make contacts & connect with. While our Marketing team is doing our best to let the world know about apsense, we can use all the help we can get. All we ask is that users continue to build their Private Networks. Let as many business interests people know about apsense in any way you can. 3) Finally, HELP EACH OTHER! Apsense is just over 2 weeks old so we of course have many Newbie users. So feel free to reach out and help those who have questions or need help. On the other hand, helping other Apsensers should NOT stop at issues that are apsense related only. Connect, Learn, and Help each other and in the end, we all benefit. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone can do their part to "help us, help you". No matter if it's a lot or just a little, we promise you every bit is much appreciated! -------------------------------------------------- "The WORLD of APSense... Coming July 2007"
Comments (54)
Cindy Holcomb

So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this community! Keep up the great work!


Jun 4, 2007 Like it
Paul Iacono

Hi All I'm REALLY Glad to find that I have just begun my membership, Expecting the usual loads of spam that begins shortly after, I have received NONE.

Not a single one, I'm VERY Pleased I joined this one, it seems to have some genuine business people running it, and joining it. I don't know about you guys, but I think we should ALL Make sure it stays this way.


Paul Iacono
HAPPY New Member.

Jun 4, 2007 Like it


There are always great chances to communicate with groups and get contacts. APSENSE work in this direction and appreciate their goals. There are many people who want to do something different and peope searching for contacts in certain cases to start some online businesses and here is a contact for such people to try.FREE ONLINE DATA ENTRY TYPING JOBS . FREE ON THE JOB TRAINING. WORK FROM THE LEISURE OF HOME AND EARN BIG MONEY.


Jun 4, 2007 Like it
Herbert Gordon

Internet Marketing Consultant

So far I have had no spam problems. I concurr with Collette that if there are individuals posting incorrectly it's probably due to there newness.
I really love this site and the ease and effortlessness of navigating here.
Kristian you are to be congratulated on a fantastic and I mean fantastic site. Glad to be a part of its growth.


Jun 4, 2007 Like it

FREE TRIAL for 7 days --- If you Manage to EARN then continue or just QUIT ! as simple as that .... Just watch 7 minutes movie presentation at

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Please Watch it & Decide

Jun 1, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Hi Kristian ~

I've only had to delete one post that was 'spam' and off topic so far! But I'll check my groups now to make sure. Thanks for letting us all know it's ok to do that!


Jun 1, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

Hi Kristian
I have been monitoring all my groups myself , I also delete the spam comments but I also send the writer an email letting them know why it was deleted and inviting them to repost but to please read the description of the group first. Some people posting are posting wrong simply becasue they are new and dont know any better. If they continue to post spam then I report them by clicking the report unrelated comments button.

Blessings and thanks for a SUPER site!

May 31, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder

Following questions...

Hi Jjavajill,

Please let us know what version if internet explorer and if you have some sort of firewall on your system and what kind.

"The WORLD of APSense... Coming July 2007"

May 31, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder

Hi Jjavajill,

As for as I know, we have not had any other user mentioned the APX software causing their computer to slow down. I've also doubled checked with our support department and they said "No None"... even though they get many support emails from users daily.

My first thought of course is that this is an isolated problem. Also it is not likly that APX is the cause of your problem computer problem. Because it seems more like an isolated problem, it is almost impossible for our pr

May 31, 2007 Like it

Can you help me? when I downloaded the Desktop Marketing it slowed my computer down so much that I had to uninstall it.

Has anyone else had this problem?


May 31, 2007 Like it
Pete Balasch Jr.

Internet Marketer Pod caster

Thanks For Clearing that up
I Have been Deleting the spam Comments
And really did not know how to use the
"Report Unrelated Comment" link

Thanks for this great 2.0 SNS
Social Networking Site

Pete Balasch Jr.

May 31, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder

To the Top

May 31, 2007 Like it
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