Wincer just shared some good news!
Wincer just passed along some great news for all us APSensers! APSense has been growing and today we got the proof! Look out Linked In, you're next!!!
The latest from Alexa: has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of
5,221. While the site is ranked #3,949 in the US, where we estimate that 27% of
its visitors are located, it is also popular in South Africa, where it is
ranked #913. Relative to the overall population of internet users, this site's
users tend to be over the age of 35, and they are disproportionately African
Americans browsing from home who are not college graduates. Visitors to view an average of 13.8 unique pages per day. Visitors to it spend
about twelve minutes per visit to the site and 38 seconds per pageview.
Is this your site? Learn how to get more traffic with the Alexa
Site Audit.
8 Reviews
Alexa Traffic Rank
Traffic Rank in US
Sites Linking In
Site Information for
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Alexa Traffic Rank: 5,252
Traffic Rank in US: 4,232
Sites Linking In: No Data
Site Information for
Get Details
Alexa Traffic Rank: 5,230
Traffic Rank in US: 4,420
Sites Linking In: No Data
Comments (47)
Ginny Williams
Affiliate and Network Marketing
This is great news and I'm so glad you told us, cause I would have never knew, so thank you!
Tom J.
Sales/ Marketing
that is great.. Thanks for showing us the info...And keep trudging along!
Laverne Arsenault
Internet Marketer,blogger
he created one of the best site as far as I am concern ,also seem like he care about us here
Akhmad Fitrie
i am a teacher, photographer and internet marketer
very good informatin , i very like it
Inga Ozolina
Manual Traffic Exchange Owner
These are great news... I should blog about APSense once again to remind my readers ;)
Paula van Dun
I sometimes wonder if Wincer ever sleeps. I am glad for Wincer with these results. And I am glad for all Apsense members that will also enjoy the fruits of his hard work since we all get better exposure
M.fadlan Fadlan
okay thank you, nice to know you and I hope our friendship warmer ..
Lie Wang
nice information,thanks,good luck to you.
Tony Dy
excellent well done all great compliments
Joe Sacco
Good news for all of us and yet another reason to be an Apsense member.
Ivy Jane A.
Shopify Virtual Assistant
He is not the only one who deserves this. Include the people that helped Apsense to grow. : )
Barus F.
Engineer, logistic and marketing
Indeed this program have more benefits for every new users for promoting yours homebusiness.
Marko S.
Web Presence Provider these are real good news...after years of work apsense is still continue with growing...keep up good work
Branislav Malogajski...
this a good information for me thank you
Thanapoom L. Li
Tintin in Thailand
am I really happy to be with apsense :)
Vladimir Lugansky
Forex Trade
Greater work is done and greater energy for achievement of objective is shown.
Lemont Wells
Web Desinger & Affiliate Marketer
Wow that interesting to know now if only I can get more people to join
Vishwajeet Kumar
This is awesome. And well deserved. Great Work Hats off for Wincer!
Vps Malhotra
Free Lancer
I have Alexa tool bar installed and occassionally see the Alexa analytics The push to 5221 is a gradual process and soon we shall see it diminishing to no 1 if correct policies are followed I do not see daily click solofor so many days the new features added now and being upgraded shall boost the rankings further mind you a top ptc site raqnking now near about450 achieved this in about two years time and another ptc site just about four months old has neared at755 mark right now before my eyes a
Karen L.
Personal Development
I'm grateful and happy to see all the hard work paying off!! Congrats once again to you Wincer, and your team.