Where to "View My Business Center Leads"?
I've got a message from Webmaster:
Please go to "Business Center" -> "View My Business Center Leads" to review all requests.
... and can't find "View My Business Center Leads" ?! ; )
There are only 4 buttons there:
1. Explore BC
2. About BC
3. View My Prod & Services
4. Setup My BC
Goig to "Setup My BC" doesn't help much...
Comments (7)
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
Ok, I do have one. That means that I'd send people to that newsletter, by changing my autoresponder's message content here at Apsense.
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
This is your own newsletter. This doesn't come from apsense. So yes, you will need to decide how you will do this. Lynn
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
Sorry, one more question Lynn!
After subscribing lead will receive the message: "Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.... etc.
Then what happens? Apsense sends the newsletter to him/her, or I should have my own newsletter and have to setup an autoresponder?
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
Thank you. You too, enjoy the week.
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Your welcome. Enjoy the upcoming week, Lynn
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
Thanks Lynn. It was a small button, too small for my old eyes ; )
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Go to setup my bc. Click on lead capture. Click on view my leads. Lynn