What Are We Doing Here Anyways? Really?

Posted by Not Here
Dec 1, 2007
I am having a little difficulty figuring out just exactley what APSense really is, what it's going to be? We're a Business Social network..right?  Get paid to Promote your business...used to be "the TOP business social network"  Is it now simply a place to post a profile and some ads?  It seems like there is very little networking taking place.  I mean, if this is just a place to post ads, and people just come here to advertvise...who's gonna read the advertising?  My opinion, if this is simply a place to advertise the words business social network might as well be removed...because it seems like all that is happening is people are joining, setting up a profile, some ads..maybe a blog and then they are gone!  And they never see the REAL potential that some of us know to exist. Perhaps if we took a better look at the words "business social network" it would shed a little light on my issue...as defined by webster's dictionary: Busi-ness:  A persons professional dealings or occupation So-cial: Having to do with people living in groups;  enjoying friendly companionship with others.  n. An informal party or gathering. So-cia-ble:  Capable of friendly social relations;  enjoying the company of others So-cial-ism:  A system in which people as a whole, and not individuals, control and own the property.   Net-work:  A system of interlacing tracks, channels, or lines;  an interconnected system. Okay, so one might assume from the mixing of these works that APSense is a community of Professional People who enjoy communicating with each other, and together OWN the system that has connected us.  Hey, isn't this kinda what forums are all about?  Some others words for forum:  marketplace, court, tribunal, council, symposium, panel, town meeting, Bull Session! Enough of my rambling... I am calling on EVERYONE who is a part of this community to come out and tell us why you are here!  What is it that you like, hate, love....Why are we here and just what are we trying to accomplish??  What makes APSense so special anyways...why should anyone be a part of it? Advertising? Communication? Networking? Tell US!! Tell ME!  I need to know...before I continue to do anything here!      
Comments (57)
Matthew Johnson

Hi, I have a question.
Do you contact at least 10,000 Marketers a day with your ads?

Because that is exactly what my computer is doing for me right now... Im not at home; I'm at the lake with my 2 young boys.

If 1 sale per thousand contacts earns me 75.00, Then I will make 750.00 today! Every Day! How much a day would that be for your product?

Hi, I'm Matt

What do all the successful online marketers already know?

"He who promotes the most, wins!"

Jun 23, 2010 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

I think it's the ad posting that causes a lot of the problems. Every time AE is opened it's full of ads. Very few are anything other than 'copy and paste'. They're not telling us anything about why the biz/product would be useful, what it could do for us, how it could help, etc.

The fact is that if 90% have their own business, they aren't going to be interested in joining someone else's business. What they are interested in will be networking with those other business 'people' to see if they ha

Apr 12, 2008 Like it
Lisa Lomas

i was initially attracted to apsense as it was new, fresh, rid of a few in a community I grew to dislike and saw it could also do the same to help my business with search capabilities. I get sick of petty stuff, so I walk away from it normally.

It is business to business platform so saying that, to me that rules out advertising to advertisers & business owners out of everyone we are the biggest skeptics.

I guess like anything you cannot sit and wait, you have to make something happen to, when

Apr 12, 2008 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Good to see you all back here commenting.

Jenny I agree, most space on the sig would be great.

And Hello again Wincer,

Looking at what you had said again I com to realize their is one comment I really don't agree with at all. To Quote you:

"But more than 90% people on Apsense have their own online business."

From what I have witnessed and experienced doing first hand research into the community, I have very good reason to believe it is more like 10% or LESS who actually have a business.

Apr 8, 2008 Like it
Arthur Webster

Just plain honesty

Have I made any $$$$ selling them? YES!

Have I made any sales through Apsense? YES!

Was the idea of joining Apsense ALL about the sale? NO!!

Have you promoted them in your own words? YES!!

Do you respond to enquiries about your products? YES!!

It is not possible for me to be any different to what I am. I speak my mind and do not suffer fools gladly.

Anybody who announces that their programme will pay me $1,000 a month and upwards for no effort on my part is an optimist at best

Apr 7, 2008 Like it
Mark Hultgren

Wordpress Specialist

Hi OC,
While it may be true that many of the ads here are simple copy\aste (and many of those don't even bother to edit the {FIRST_NAME} part of the autoresponder emails that they download from the websites they are promoting). I feel many times in your responses and posts that you are a bit too hasty to judge on the side of negativity. Most of the products that I promote here are products that I personally have tried and many I continue to use!

Have I made any $$$$ selling them? YES!


Apr 7, 2008 Like it
Arthur Webster

Just plain honesty

Hi, Wincer,

3. Post your ads and explore good biz opportunities from others.

I wish this could be enforced in some way.

The vast majority of ads posted in Apsense (and similar community sites) ARE NOT the ads of the member but the ads of some remote scriptwriter.

There is not a single ad that I have seen (I discount ads from anonymous members) that indicates that the member posting the ad has had any success with what they are promoting - indeed - many (because of the copy and paste

Apr 6, 2008 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi all,

Great to see the blog still going and Hi Wincer - very good to see you here and commenting on WHY we are here.

Having joined, what now seems a life time ago - "on the run" from a place where advertising and infighting had become the norm and no relationship building was getting done - I have to admit that I was beginning to find ApSense a little stuffy and rule bound until, like Jeff, I came across a few very good and seriously "politically incorrect" people who have turned ApSense int

Apr 5, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

First off, I must say that my main reason for joining Apsense was because a very excellent writer and friend warned me NOT to do it... She said that she was going through a slump after suffering a needless loss and thought that Apsense, might help her out if it... Didn't work for her (Firey, Humourous, Sexy and Bold personality).

I signed up, and it took me almost six months to become active here... (Truly stultifying, if you let it become that way) until good ol Juenelle posted a very funn

Apr 5, 2008 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Hi Christine,

I'm not sure what you can learn either...lol...I believe pretty much anything you wish with all the people from all walks of life and different backgrounds and such. So I would ask you what you are looking to learn?

Thanks for the comment


Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Hi Chris,

If you are looking to focus on one business networking site APSense is definetly the place to be. Now that may sound like the same old bullfluff we've all become so accustomed to but the statement we are making as a community here is unparalleled by any other network out there.

Thanks for stopping by and I as well as many others are here if you need anything.


Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Christine K

I am a total and complete newbie, although I've had an online business (niche website for women motorcyclists) since March. My site is more an info site than a marketing site, although I do have affiliate programs.

SO, I'm not sure what I can learn here, but as with all things lately, I'm certainly open.

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Chris Wigg

When I was inroduced to Apsense I did not really understand what it was about.

I started my website 2 years ago and knowing very little about network marketing I just started doing what everyone suggested.

I am a bit like a chicken scratching around for corn and sometimes being shown where to find it by the local rooster. I am beginning to realise I need to focus on just one social network site like Apsense and ignore all the others, otherwise I'm just wasting my time.

So there's a Ne

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


BTW G....
Awesome Blog. VERY REAL :0)

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


and to meet REAL PEOPLE

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Hi Wincer,

In complete honesty I actually haven't been around many other networking sites, or not all that actively anyways. Yes there are an aweful lot of them out there but the trouble I have found with them is their is simply no or very little professionalism or anything else other than blatent advertising to be found among them.

Getting down to business, thats quite the platform you lay out there and it looks great as far as I'm concerned! I realize that APSense is still basically in

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

HI Garnet,

Networking is difficult to do and have the end result be a sign on for
yours or anyone's business.... Think of it this way. If you have an
insurance office in the real world and need to get people in your office?
How many people do you have to contact and know to build your business?

It's the same online. You will contact literally thousands for anyone you actually
sign up when it all averages out! sometimes it's 1 out of 100s...that's real

think of it as fishing! Where are

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Hi San,

I believe most of us are "guilty" at some point in time or another of the whole "spam" issue.
And Apsense can be a great place to learn otherwise!

Also, your comment "Even those of us who are the 'takers' (and I mean myself because I learn from everyone but don't have enough knowledge to pass back) the majority of the time"

Well maybe you think you don't have enough knowledge to pass back, but I know we ALL have something to offer. I would ask you, what are you passionate a

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Hi Arthur,

Man you got a way with words!(and a wicked sense of humor too..lol)

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

Hi Garnet,

You asked one very good question. I assumed that you had already knew many other social networking sites too. But more than 90% people on Apsense have their own online business. I can say APsense is one "purely" business social network.

When people first come to Apsense. Yes, they think they find one new way to post their ads. But later people will understand APsense is one place to group "SAME INTEREST" people together. They may learn from others, make more biz friends here

Dec 3, 2007 Like it
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